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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Bryan isn't as good as Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit for me. Better than Owen Hart, but not Benoit and Angle. He's good, but he isn't that good. They were amazing on their day. Even now Kurt Angle is one of the best wrestlers in the world. He had a torn hamstring last month and could barely walk and still out worked everyone else on the show. Kurt's one of the best ever for me. And its easy to forget how good Benoit was, considering how he was exposed as the face of evil a few years ago.


Angle vs Bryan would have been quite good.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Angle vs Bryan would be fantastic. They can both be serious and do comedy as well so the build up could be excellent as well as the matches.


When I dip back in for some WWE these days Daniel Bryan is usually the highlight be it matches, backstage skits or whatever. Same with Bully Ray in TNA.

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Bryan isn't as good as Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit for me. Better than Owen Hart, but not Benoit and Angle. He's good, but he isn't that good. They were amazing on their day. Even now Kurt Angle is one of the best wrestlers in the world. He had a torn hamstring last month and could barely walk and still out worked everyone else on the show. Kurt's one of the best ever for me. And its easy to forget how good Benoit was, considering how he was exposed as the face of evil a few years ago.


Angle vs Bryan would have been quite good.


I agree about Angle being better overall than Bryan (so far anyway), if for nothing more than the fact that he's had far more stand-out epic moments/matches and classic skits. That might change in the future, but Kurt had the advantage of working with everyone from the Attitude Era that mattered and all the post WCW Invasion talent too, not to mention the likes of Sting, AJ, Joe and others in TNA. I think Bryan has the potential to be at his level but would need the strong opponents and feuds that Kurt had. Realistically, the Gold Medal achievement of Angle will always put him above most in the "unique talent" department, because he entered Pro Wrestling with a pedigree like no other.


Bryan Vrs Benoit is a tough one, but I'd personally swing towards Bryan based on his versatility. Benoit booked to his strengths was great, but out of his element he was often exposed. His interviews were often either boring or awkward and that limited what they could do with him. Bryan has the rare talent to make even stupid stuff a lot of fun. His interviews are top notch and he gets a great reaction from crowds whatever he is asked to do. He played a great jerk Heel and currently an amusing (but still credible) Face. I loved watching Benoit back in the day, but he got rather dull and samey towards the end, where as Bryan continues to be one of my favourite guys to watch these days.

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When I say better than the lot of them, I mean as an overall package. Although Danny B doesn't possess the ability to create the big match feel before the match has even started quite like Angle or Benoit just yet. He certainly doesn't have thier presence. Benoit was incredible and his intensity was unmatched. I used to love Angle but I seemingly go off him more each passing year really.


On the subject of Bully Ray, he may well be the wrestler of the year for me. No, actually that probably is Daniel Bryan as it goes, he's had a cracking year. Bully is up there though.

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Rixhie, and everyone else for that matter, check out Regal's match from Saturday Morning Slam on the 22nd of September with Zack Ryder. Regal shows he's the best thing this country ever produced and why he really should be cashing in on the panto circuit. I'd post it from youtube but I'm on my phone.


Really, they should just rename it Saturday Morning Armbar though.

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Bryan Vrs Benoit is a tough one, but I'd personally swing towards Bryan based on his versatility. Benoit booked to his strengths was great, but out of his element he was often exposed. His interviews were often either boring or awkward and that limited what they could do with him. Bryan has the rare talent to make even stupid stuff a lot of fun. His interviews are top notch and he gets a great reaction from crowds whatever he is asked to do. He played a great jerk Heel and currently an amusing (but still credible) Face. I loved watching Benoit back in the day, but he got rather dull and samey towards the end, where as Bryan continues to be one of my favourite guys to watch these days.

On the flip side Benoit got over huge during an era where personality was critical. Benoit got over on his wrestling ability alone, which shouldn't be swept aside. It was 50 times harder to get over in the early 2000s with the lack of acting ability Benoit had. And as far as talented opposition goes, for Benoit to stand out and go on to be a huge star during an era which arguably had the best roster the ever had says a lot about Benoit. If Daniel Bryan came along in 2000, its makes you wonder how he'd fair on a roster which had Steve Austin, The Rock, Chris Jericho, Triple H, Chris Benoit, Guerrero, Regal, The Undertaker, Kane, the Hardys, the Dudleys, Edge and Christian and Pete Gas. But you can't compare eras, I suppose. Its a completely different business now.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Bryan Vrs Benoit is a tough one, but I'd personally swing towards Bryan based on his versatility. Benoit booked to his strengths was great, but out of his element he was often exposed. His interviews were often either boring or awkward and that limited what they could do with him. Bryan has the rare talent to make even stupid stuff a lot of fun. His interviews are top notch and he gets a great reaction from crowds whatever he is asked to do. He played a great jerk Heel and currently an amusing (but still credible) Face. I loved watching Benoit back in the day, but he got rather dull and samey towards the end, where as Bryan continues to be one of my favourite guys to watch these days.

On the flip side Benoit got over huge during an era where personality was critical. Benoit got over on his wrestling ability alone, which shouldn't be swept aside. It was 50 times harder to get over in the early 2000s with the lack of acting ability Benoit had. And as far as talented opposition goes, for Benoit to stand out and go on to be a huge star during an era which arguably had the best roster the ever had says a lot about Benoit. If Daniel Bryan came along in 2000, its makes you wonder how he'd fair on a roster which had Steve Austin, The Rock, Chris Jericho, Triple H, Chris Benoit, Guerrero, Regal, The Undertaker, Kane, the Hardys, the Dudleys, Edge and Christian and Pete Gas. But you can't compare eras, I suppose. Its a completely different business now.



I didn't mean to ignore Benoit's strengths, you are absolutely right that he was such a standout in-ring talent that he didn't need the interview skills to become a star. I was a huge fan back in the day and him winning the belt was a great moment for me as a fan.


It is indeed completely impossible to compare the act of getting over and becoming in real Superstar now to back then. Benoit benefited from a situation that meant he almost had to be pushed hard, as he jumped ship in a high profile incident during the red hot Monday Night Wars, Bryan on the other hand worked his way up from the bottom of WWE and got himself over to the point of being a World Champion. To look at Bryan you'd assume he'd get eaten alive in the Attitude era, but if he'd been one of the Radicalz and was given the chances they got, he may well have gotten himself over on his natural talents and ability like Eddie and Benoit did. He'd have needed to gas up though, obviously :)


Benoit also benefited from working at a time where WWE were great at getting people over with quality feuds and storylines. Bryan broke out in spite of the stale as shit situation in today's WWE.

Edited by Dirty Eddie
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Bryan isn't as good as Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit for me. Better than Owen Hart, but not Benoit and Angle. He's good, but he isn't that good.

You know what Ian? Before I scrolled down and read this reply of yours, that is exactly what went through my mind. Batter than Owen maybe, not Benoit or Angle though.


Surely anti-bullying promos are at their very best used on a programme aimed at under 12s?


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Super Dragon actually booked Kurt Angle after he got released by WWE and was planning on putting on a big PWG show with the main event of Kurt vs. Daniel Bryan but TNA pulled the plug on it mere moments before they were going to announce it. It sucks because that would have been insane at that time.

Edited by LaGoosh
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They let a man called 'Super Dragon' book wrestling?! :confused:


Super Dragon is a US indy wrestler (although he's pretty much retired now) and is the main owner, booker and promoter of PWG (the top west coast US indy).


He's probably my favorite wrestler of all time actually.

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