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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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He has only been around for 8 months and I'd never heard of the bloke till last year but Ambrose is already my favourite wrestler in the world. It's nothing to do with some imaginary bandwagon you've pulled out of your arse and everything to do with the fact he's the most interesting an engaging new guy on the roster. He's got distinct characteristics and makes an effort to stand out in an era where most others are content to turn up and have pretty matches. He's like a delicious mix of Terry Funk, Austin, Piper, Pillman . . the joker, yet he feels completely original at the same time. He's perfectly in tune with being Ambrose. Next big thing? Well that's impossible to predict for him and for anybody. I'm just happy that there's at least a couple of guys on the roster that excite me and make me look forward to what they're doing on each show (Bryan and Bray too, who both wrestle in character as well, funnily enough). It's been a while sine that happened.

This and then some.
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He's like a delicious mix of Terry Funk, Austin, Piper, Pillman . . the joker, yet he feels completely original at the same time.

I like Dean Ambrose, but fucking hell thats a bit strong. I dont see any Funk, Austin or Pillman in him at all. Piper fair enough (but Piper blew him away on every level in his prime, so thats not exactly a compliment). Health Ledgers Joker obviously (it was a direct rip off when he was on the indys). Funk (unless you meant Tons Of Funk) and Austin I dont get and Pillman is a name that gets battered around anytime someone does a "bit mental" gimmick. Pillman was a humouress nutter who could turn on and off between insane, chicken, funny and sleazy almost at will. Ambrose doesn't have half as many layers as Brian Pillman had. Ambrose is more like Raven. He has his agenda and he muses about it in a tunnel vision-esque manner.Why can't people just praise him for being good on his own merit instead of wrongly comparing him to older wrestlers who were much better than him? Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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He's like a delicious mix of Terry Funk, Austin, Piper, Pillman . . the joker, yet he feels completely original at the same time.

I like Dean Ambrose, but fucking hell thats a bit strong. I dont see any Funk, Austin or Pillman in him at all. Piper fair enough (but Piper blew him away on every level in his prime, so thats not exactly a compliment). Health Ledgers Joker obviously (it was a direct rip off when he was on the indys). Funk (unless you meant Tons Of Funk) and Austin I dont get and Pillman is a name that gets battered around anytime someone does a "bit mental" gimmick. Pillman was a humouress nutter who could turn on and off between insane, chicken, funny and sleazy almost at will. Ambrose doesn't have half as many layers as Brian Pillman had. Ambrose is more like Raven. He has his agenda and he muses about it in a tunnel vision-esque manner.Why can't people just praise him for being good on his own merit instead of wrongly comparing him to older wrestlers who were much better than him?
I never said he was as good as any of them did I? He just reminds me of them at times. There's definitely Funk in there, especially with some of his bumping and goofier facial expressions. The chaotic no nonsense brawling of Austin is there to, at least to me. I am praising him. I said he does enough to feel original at the same time as all that.
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It's hardly chaotic. He just does a bunch of stomps and punches.I like the guy but he's definitely being overrated by a lot of people.

Everybody stomps and punches. There's a way to make it look as haphazard as a proper 'fight'.As you said in the youtube thread, "there's something special about him". And that's a completely subjective thing. Even if he doesn't turn out to be a big deal, I'm enjoying him in this moment. Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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Why are you comparing him to Raven? Raven was fucking shite. Ambrose is decent, Raven's stupidly overrated.Even though, if I've one bone to pick with Ambrose, his selling is a bit cartoonish at times. Especially in the face. Other than that he's great.

Edited by PowerButchi
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Whatever happened to Jim Crockett Jr. going by Wiki he's only about 68 so what has he been doing the last 20 years he's been out of the spot light, did his father's other business interests and the Turner money allow him to retire young and comfortable? Hard to imagine RF or KC haven't thrown a sizable offer his way these last few years

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Not sure about internet. He taped a series of TV pilots in New York called World Wrestling Network with Funk and Sabu and Hawk and the like, with Heyman helping out on the booking. They didn't go anywhere, though bizarrely were shot in HD despite it being 1994.

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Anybody else get wound up that no-one in TNA including Hogan himself can actually say the word HULK correctly. Absoulutely everyone on the show says Hoke Hogan. Mike Tenay being the worst, the big nobber!

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