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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Also, things are pretty dire in WWE land when Kofi Kingston’s being used as key talent in advertisement materials for the biggest show of the year!

Isn't this precisely the root of the WWE problem? All of the new day deserve to be on that poster given that they are the most over act in the company right now and the current tag champs.

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I love how they were chucking R-Truth on a Wrestlemania poster in 2014.


He was featuring in Elimination Chambers LONG past the time he had any right to be in a title match on PPV, even if it was just making up the numbers and even if he was getting lamped in pretty quick order.

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Yeah I had a quick look on YouTube there. Don't know how I missed it at the time. One of the best things I've watched is Lesnar training for a UFC fight and the sheer size and strength and stamina of him is quite stunning. I'm assuming the drop in size will be health related? No less powerful but not carrying about as much weight must be good for him.

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Didn’t know whether to post this in the random photos thread or this one…


Just seen an advert on the WWE home page for WrestleMania 32 with the following graphic. Check out Undertaker’s hairline! Some serious Photoshop-ing’s been going on there!




Also, things are pretty dire in WWE land when Kofi Kingston’s being used as key talent in advertisement materials for the biggest show of the year!


That looks like a render from 2K16 of The Undertaker


On a different note, I've just had an email from WWE reminding/asking me to restart my Network subscription in time for TLC.

It has Roman as the main image but I thought it was funny that in small text it just has to re-iterate that it's Roman Reigns.


Then when searching for the url of that image to post it here, I see that which ever graphic designer within WWE made this poster has named it "_hero.jpg"



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Then when searching for the url of that image to post it here, I see that which ever graphic designer within WWE made this poster has named it "_hero.jpg"



“Hero” is also a term used in advertising and design for a large image with minimal text.

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