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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Looking back on it now I can't understand how he was seen as the next superstar. I mean I though he was the next superstar, actually everyone I knew at the time thought he was as well but looking back now he was an average talker, average to poor look and a sloppy worker. What was the appeal? I don't deny he had charisma but can't for the life of me work out why I thought so highly of him in 06.

Probably cos most major debutants around this time were pretty average/poor with fuck all charisma. The Mordecai/Kenzo Suzuki/Snitsky/Heidenreich time period

Carlito also stood out to me as super-promising at the time, but kinda peaked on day 1

Edited by sj5522
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I never got the love for Kennedy even at the time. Thought he looked shit with his Bart simpson hairdo and that fucking awful tribal tattoo and really didn't think much to any of his matches, yet everyone seemed to rave about the guy. I thought I must have been weird or something but I stick by what I thought at the time, and then he went and fucked himself over anyway and has been doing fuck all for years in that Mickey Mouse promotion


I think 06 was around the time I finally stopped watching SmackDown regularly, so Kennedy's rise to prominence opposite Taker was out of sight, out of mind for me. The bits I did see of him on PPV were always really unconvincing. He's another one of them whose gimmick was 'charismatic wrestler', though he wasn't himself a charismatic wrestler.


Ziggler is a bit like that these days, but not as bad as Ken.

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I think one of the reasons that the hype around Kennedy persisted was the fact that he carried himself differently. He cut about like he was the next big thing and owing in part to the dross on the roster at that time he got over with it. His in ring work was terrible though. He potatoed both Batista and Taker which resulted in some pretty nasty payback involving his head and the ring steps.

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As for Kennedy, it almost became a funny thing by the end - as soon as he got close, you're looking out for what was going to fuck it up. Amazing, because as mentioned, I think they really thought he was gonna be THE new top heel.



Apparently he was supposed to be! The original plan for the "Vince is dead" angle was that he'd leave the company to his illegitimate son, Kennedy, which would lead to Kennedy vs Triple H at Wrestlemania with ownership of the company on the line. Which Kennedy would've WON, with help from Vince. As shite as he was, there's no way that he wouldn't have got over with that sort of push.


Obviously Benoit brought an end to Vince's death and Kennedy himself fucked up Plan B rather spectacularly. Thinking about it, it's no wonder that they sacked him and put him on the "Randy Savage list". Dropping Orton on his dodgy shoulder, after specifically being told not to, must've just been the final confirmation that he was an absolute fucking moron.

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I never got the love for Kennedy even at the time. Thought he looked shit with his Bart simpson hairdo and that fucking awful tribal tattoo and really didn't think much to any of his matches, yet everyone seemed to rave about the guy. I thought I must have been weird or something but I stick by what I thought at the time, and then he went and fucked himself over anyway and has been doing fuck all for years in that Mickey Mouse promotion


I think 06 was around the time I finally stopped watching SmackDown regularly, so Kennedy's rise to prominence opposite Taker was out of sight, out of mind for me. The bits I did see of him on PPV were always really unconvincing. He's another one of them whose gimmick was 'charismatic wrestler', though he wasn't himself a charismatic wrestler.


Ziggler is a bit like that these days, but not as bad as Ken.




I agree he was shit, but I think that's not quite accurate. His gimmick was that he was a loudmouth, hence always announcing himself, conducting himself as brashly and vocally as possible, and generally weighing in on everyone and everything with his loud dickishness.

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As for Kennedy, it almost became a funny thing by the end - as soon as he got close, you're looking out for what was going to fuck it up. Amazing, because as mentioned, I think they really thought he was gonna be THE new top heel.



Apparently he was supposed to be! The original plan for the "Vince is dead" angle was that he'd leave the company to his illegitimate son, Kennedy, which would lead to Kennedy vs Triple H at Wrestlemania with ownership of the company on the line. Which Kennedy would've WON, with help from Vince. As shite as he was, there's no way that he wouldn't have got over with that sort of push.


Obviously Benoit brought an end to Vince's death and Kennedy himself fucked up Plan B rather spectacularly. Thinking about it, it's no wonder that they sacked him and put him on the "Randy Savage list". Dropping Orton on his dodgy shoulder, after specifically being told not to, must've just been the final confirmation that he was an absolute fucking moron.

It is fascinating to wonder what would have been. I can't fathom trips putting him over, honestly. I suppose in the long run he was always destined to do something dumb, Between that and top guys not liking the way he wrestled, he probably would have wound up being a Jack Swagger/Miz style "throw them on the pile" top guy and phased back down in fairly short order in the end anyway.

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Yeah, that was the point I was going to make. I don't think he'd ever have been on top for years. His act was too comical as well, and I couldn't imagine him winning me over that he was a credible main eventer with his Rock/Austin lite act. His wrestling left a lot to be desired too.

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