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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Hogan's deposition in the Gawker lawsuit is a real eye opener. His memory is so gone, you sort of see why he just says whatever comes out of his mouth in interviews. Or he's told the same misinformation for so long he actually believes it. He was asked if he'd ever taken part in a "scripted television show" and he said "if you count American Gladiators." When asked if he considered Thunder in Paradise such a show he said he forgot he even did it! Then he said Rocky III was released in the 1970s. And the best one was he was asked about Hogan Knows Best and he's under the impression they filmed it in the mid-90s. I'm all forgiving for dates being wrong, but those are so off its shocking. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


I wonder if Hogan knows if he was in TNA or not?

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"TNA yeah I worked for them in the Mid 70's brother they couldn't draw a dime before i got there brother. I was the 1st man to slam Abyss he was 7'5 and 760 pounds brother. That's where I brought the hardcore style in too mainstream wrestling judge brother dude."

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To be fair we had all forgot about Thunder in Paradise.

I have every episode downloaded on my hard drive. It gave Terry Funk, Jim Neidhart, El Gigante and Sting work.


Let me know where you found that, I've been trying to track it down forever but can only get German or Russian dubbed copies!

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Roman Reigns' shaking the ropes routine is pretty shit isn't it? I like Reigns but he should be getting that bit 10x more over, he looks like he's just testing the ropes to see that they're tight enough.

Edited by sj5522
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He's coming along, during his RAW match tonight the rope bit looked OK and the crowd was into it. Probably more to do with it being a good crowd for a change.

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Watching Raw from Dec 1997, what was the reason Raw 'finished' then became the War-Zone was it just to do more adult based stuff or just an illusion to make fans think something different would happen than in the first hour?


Also weird to see them advertise 'our good friends at UFC' upcoming PPV and match listings

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Watching Raw from Dec 1997, what was the reason Raw 'finished' then became the War-Zone was it just to do more adult based stuff or just an illusion to make fans think something different would happen than in the first hour?



I had vague memories of why this was, but checked at wikipedia — "Since March 10, 1997, broadcasts of Raw were split into two hours and given hourly names for television ratings purposes, with the first hour being referred to as Raw is War and the second as War Zone by the show's on-screen graphics."

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It mentioned Frank Shamrock fighting.


War Zone even had its own intro and theme


The show also had the Vince 'end of kayfabe/new direction' speech too, which is pretty strange looking back.


The Outlaws gimmick is still rough as anything (only a month in or so) they help DX destroy LOD, HBK looks impressed with them but they dont officially join DX for another 4 months was there any reason for that? 

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The Outlaws gimmick is still rough as anything (only a month in or so) they help DX destroy LOD, HBK looks impressed with them but they dont officially join DX for another 4 months was there any reason for that? 


I'm sure I read / heard on a shoot / heard in the pub etc that they originally did plan for the Outlaws to join Shawn & Hunter in a four-man DX, but when Shawn fucked his back at the Rumble they shelved that plan. Obviously when they needed to restructure DX with Hunter as leader, they were an obvious fit given the previous association/teaming.

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The Outlaws gimmick is still rough as anything (only a month in or so) they help DX destroy LOD, HBK looks impressed with them but they dont officially join DX for another 4 months was there any reason for that? 


I'm sure I read / heard on a shoot / heard in the pub etc that they originally did plan for the Outlaws to join Shawn & Hunter in a four-man DX, but when Shawn fucked his back at the Rumble they shelved that plan. Obviously when they needed to restructure DX with Hunter as leader, they were an obvious fit given the previous association/teaming.



I thought it was Michaels and, to a lesser extent, Hunter's egos that originally prevented it? I could be wrong, of course, but I'm sure I read that Michaels didn't think they were good enough to be official members of the group, and the most he would do was be loosely aligned with them. Of course, once Michaels got injured, Triple H had absolutely no leverage left and, really, he needed the Outlaws in the group. As weird as it is in hindsight, Trips was "the boring one" when the second incarnation of DX were formed.


It might've been one of the shoots the Outlaws did around about their VKM days actually, which means it could be a lot drug induced bollocks.

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Random musing.  I was thinking that Roman Reigns needs new music and attire otherwise he just looks like he hasnt moved on from the Shield and found his own identity.  But then I was watching a Bret Hart match and realised he kept his tag team gear and music.  I cant think of many single stars who have broke out keeping their original look/music/gimmick from when they were in a tag team.  


Plus I wish they would put some wrestlers in ring attire.  Ambrose for instance.  Its like we are stupid and need to see him wrestle in a vest and jeans to know he is a "rebel".  He just doesnt look like a wrestler.  Im sure if Stone Cold was breaking out now, they wouldnt let him wear black trunks and would have him in his t shirt and jeans and Million Dollar Man wrestle in his suit.  Its like all wrestlers have to fight as if they are hasbro figures.  

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