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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Yeah, surprised not to see that mentioned on here after a friend told me about it. For anyone who hasn't heard- apparently Heath Slater broke 5 vertebrae in a woman's back a couple of years ago dragging her into his hotel room and now there's a warrant out for his arrest. I guess we'll soon find out if it's true or not but sounds like a bad time all round if it is.

Edited by Call me Bellend
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If he's strong enough to damage 5 vertebrae in her neck I'm pretty sure he could of finished the job. I'm calling bs on this.

Genuinely disturbing, that post.


I don't even know how your brain got there.

Thank you :-) but seriously maybe not explained myself to great. She's claiming he grabbed her round the neck and tried to drag her into his hotel room ( this is what I've heard if I'm wrong I take back my first comment). If he caused all this injury to her neck i don't think she could of really fought him off/escaped.

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In other news, Batista has been confirmed for the next Bond film.


Chuffed for the big lug.


Doubt we'll ever see him back now. He'll have this and the Avengers sequel (which I think the Guardians are in?) and then the Kickboxer remake and Guardians sequel.


I love that he's doing so well.

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He's done Kickboxer already, I think, unless I read his Facebook post wrong. Guardians sequel won't probably be shooting until late next year or early 2016, and Avengers 3 the following year. Depending on how much time Bond takes and what else he's got on the schedule, he could probably do a couple of months in WWE but he must feel there's little point.

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You must have a different batch from what to have. I just ordered it this week and all spelt correctly. Whilst it's a great set overall, have they tripped over themselves calling it a 'never-before-released' set? The majority are but:

Vs. Diesal at King Of The Ring 94

Vs. Jean Pierre LaFitte at IYH 3

Vs. The Patriot at IYH: Ground Zero

Vs. Sting at WCW Mayhem


All released on each events respective home video release. Unless they're referring to compilations specifically

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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This might make a good thread, but.



What are the biggest matches we've never had?  I was thinking about how we never saw DX v nWo.  There was a small window where people were talking about it, but it'll never happen now.


Also, we'll never now get Austin v Hogan, I suspect.


What other huge matches never happened?

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