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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Probably the best place to put this. From Reddit . . .


"At a house show in Providence, Rhode Island in 2013, had great seats, really pumped loving the show, my girlfriend at the time was with me as was my young nephew, I've been trying to get her into wrestling and thought this would be a cool fun experience for all 3 of us, it was, than The Miz reuined my relationship and cost me my job...

Cesaro VS The Miz for the US championship... my girlfriend took a liking to the Miz due do he his previous endeavour on the Real World, so we're watching the match all is good, Cesaro picks up the win, (we are sitting front row right against the barricade, literaly last seats towards the stage) Miz walks by us selling a back injury my girlfriend reached over and pats his back, Miz immediately turns to her and says "Hands off porky!".... a few fans around us laugh

My dumbass marks! "Oh shit Miz just...." she turned to me, mouth wide open, tears in her eyes... than it hit me...oh shit...he just called her fat... so trying to" defend" her honor I yell at Miz JUST before he walks through to the back" ay, Fuck you asshole!" The woman besides me demands I watch my mouth in front of all the children, I apologise...

The rest of the night is very quiet and awkward, she just stares at the ground, I offer to buy her some popcorn, she starts crying...we get to my car, drop my nephew off at home and that's where she starts to berate me, "I can't believe you let that guy talk to me like that". "He's a bad guy, there supose to tha-.." there was no talking to her, I drop her off at home

Next day I get A text from my boss, oh yeah guess what? her dad is my boss! "I don't need you today" than the same thing the next day, than the next, than the eventual" where trying to cut down on hours and staff" I knew most of the guys who worked there. ..I was the only one who got the good luck on your future endeavors...

A week afterwards she says she can't be with someone who can't defend her...from a heel pro wrestler...that make snarky comments...

We were only togeather for like 2 months. Meh what are you gonna do?"

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I've seen that Val Venis is over for the wrestling convention. Any promoter that books him - as Val Venis, with the full gimmick - has got a ticket sale*







* depending on what I'm doing and where you are

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What the fuck has happened to Main Event. It was a real fun show in the lead up to Wrestlemania and up until around July, but last night was were I finally said "fuck this".

The first 12 minutes were taken up by the Dusts and The Usos doing some shit Mr & Mrs style match game, and I said to myself I'll see whose in the first match (whenever that happens) otherwise I'm done. Then R-Truth came out...I didn't even bother to find out who he was going to be against

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What the fuck has happened to Main Event. It was a real fun show in the lead up to Wrestlemania and up until around July, but last night was were I finally said "fuck this".

The first 12 minutes were taken up by the Dusts and The Usos doing some shit Mr & Mrs style match game, and I said to myself I'll see whose in the first match (whenever that happens) otherwise I'm done. Then R-Truth came out...I didn't even bother to find out who he was going to be against


I was thinking this the other. I liked it's refreshingly different approach to a wrestling show. One minor match, then hype up the big match with a video package, then allow them to wrestle for more than 20 minutes.


Shame really... I used to really like getting home on a Wednesday and watching main event on a Wednesday night. But now it's skippable.

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Nope. They did do a bit of onscreen stuff in 2002, but never a match. Here's a little brawl in minus 1080p, but enough to see how silly it looks for Brock to sell HBK's stuff:


And then of course the terrible arm breaking storyline a couple of years ago where Michaels' sickening selling made Cleetus hate him forever.

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The WWE is likely to get bought out or go broke.


The network model simply won't work - the market isn't there for the product, they're going to lose lots of money, and the dividend can't be paid. The cost cutting is causing the situation to get worse - see them paying for advertising for non existent UK PPVs, the equally non existent communication over the UK launch, the failure to update the network let alone produce new and interesting programming, and finally the cost cutting on key employees that live and breath the company. The creative model won't let anyone break out of the pack and their existing stars are breaking down or will only work big shows for big money.


The numbers next week could mean this all happens in a year.

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The WWE is likely to get bought out or go broke.


The network model simply won't work - the market isn't there for the product, they're going to lose lots of money, and the dividend can't be paid. The cost cutting is causing the situation to get worse - see them paying for advertising for non existent UK PPVs, the equally non existent communication over the UK launch, the failure to update the network let alone produce new and interesting programming, and finally the cost cutting on key employees that live and breath the company. The creative model won't let anyone break out of the pack and their existing stars are breaking down or will only work big shows for big money.


The numbers next week could mean this all happens in a year.

No they won't.


If the network fails, they'll just abandon it and take a financial bumming for a couple of years. To elevate that, they'll cut a lot of deadwood to claw back what they've lost.

If Vince can survive a federal trial against him, the XFL failure, they can survive the failure of the network.


Easiest way to save money would be to ditch WWE Films

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Vince will be 70 next year. I could see him selling it if the right offer came in. By all accounts, Stephanie and Triple H dont want to be in wrestling doing that grind for the next 40 years. If WWE is sold, the McMahons/Leveques will remain in charge anyway. There's no fucker else you could put in charge of it.


The Network could possibly a massive mistake in the end. Killing the PPV business is a move you make knowing you cant go back. You're not paying $40 for Battleground again. The amount of cost cutting they've been doing is a major worry. WWE never sells anything in public. Yet they are selling how much they are cutting back to try and make this network profitable. That tells you something I'd say.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Couldn't they just sort of go back to the old big 4 model for PPV's and have the other 8 on the network? at least then they've got the PPV revenue still coming in from the shows that used to actually get decent buys and the hardcore fans still get their B-shows for $9.99 a month


I am aware obviously that getting this years Mania included in the cost of your subscription was a massive selling point but if they dress it up as they can then it might work, plus it makes the big 4 seem even bigger


That's probably all a load of bollocks but if they're going to bomb anyway they may as well try something different

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I must admit, when I found out how they're working the model these days I face-palmed. Because the kind of people who will pay $9.99 a month for unlimited wrestling (in theory) are the same ones who will pay $29.99 for a monthly PPV. The network is giving away money.

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