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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Speaking of JBL, why does he always make a comment along the lines of 'he's been practicing all day, he'll forget his lines' when Billy Gunn is about to do his part after Road Dogg? Have a missed something?

The joke is that billy gun gets to say one thing.

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I've never understood why WWE feel the need to book "piss break" matches. Is it really that hard to take a piss/grab a snack/check your phone in the time between matches? You wouldn't see any other form of entertainment make a portion of their show delibrately shit so the audience can take a break.



Its a case of not burning the live audience out really. They won't be as loud and vocal for the bits that are supposed to be important if every match has people trying to kill themselves or blow the audience away for a reaction. It's the same way you'll have a break between big action scenes in a movie so the audience can get a breath and calm down.

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  • Paid Members
I've never understood why WWE feel the need to book "piss break" matches. Is it really that hard to take a piss/grab a snack/check your phone in the time between matches? You wouldn't see any other form of entertainment make a portion of their show delibrately shit so the audience can take a break.

What? They don't actually do this. If you're referring to the short matches they often put into the show between big matches like a semi-main and main event, they do that to avoid burning the crowd out. It's all about pacing the card.


Edit: Beaten to it, but there's the answer.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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Albert/Brodus/Funkadactyls vs Cody/Damien/Bellas. Think some of the ordeal got shown on Total Divas.


The match went ahead the next night on RAW though.


Whatever happened it just cut to Rock entrance. All felt sudden and took away from making it "The Big Match Feel".


Which leads me to weirdly wonder.... Did the Rock spit walking down to the ring on his return? I know he only had like 5 matches and it's generally looked down upon but Rock spitting is a mannerism that always stuck with me.


Not that i'm expecting anybody to know.

Edited by Fox Piss
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Yeah, they have fucked up the balance for years now. They can never get the pacing right for Mania. I remember in 2012, they seemed to go to long with music acts and entrances and video packages. But last year they seemed to go over on match time. I dont know if its the 4 hours that fucked them up or what, but its been dodgy for a while now. I remember they couldn't have paced WrestleMania 19 any better. That card was wonderfully done. All the matches were in the right place.


They have the option for a fifth hour this year I read recently. That might be to much for me, like.

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In regards to JBL his worst line is by far "Mexico's greatest export" in regards to Del Rio. He says it about 5 times during Alberto's matches. He's getting increasingly shitter show upon show.


The thing with JBL is that, in this second run behind the desk, he's turned into a real-life version of the commentary on the video games - about 15 or 20 lines, repeated verbatim every week.


As well as the aforementioned "Billy probably doesn't remember his lines" & "This is fun to watch!", the primary offender is :


"We got ourselves a flying [noun]!" Goat & Uso are used every single show, but you can on occasion substitute in the likes of "bull", "Rey", or hell, even "Cena".

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Its a case of not burning the live audience out really. They won't be as loud and vocal for the bits that are supposed to be important if every match has people trying to kill themselves or blow the audience away for a reaction. It's the same way you'll have a break between big action scenes in a movie so the audience can get a breath and calm down.


Ah right, I didn't consider the live crowd, that does make sense. I've seen a lot of talk about "piss break" matches lately and it was starting to irk me. I'd rather do the three-ring circus thing of putting a bunch of different things to let the crowd have its lulls, like a comedy match that can still be entertaining without requiring massive pops. WM-X7 was a great example of that, long show, tons of different things happening, but the crowd wasn't burnt out, because their "filler" stuff was things like the legends battle royal. I'd rather something silly like that than seeing matches that seem blatantly there to fill time.


Selfishly, I wouldn't care if the crowd wasn't reacting as much as they should, as long as what was actually happening in the ring was entertaining. Yeah, the live crowd can add atmosphere, but they're not essential to my enjoyment. I really liked Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania, even though the crowd were mostly sitting on their hands, both men still worked hard.

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I agree, I'd much prefer a comedy match or something silly backstage like the old Hardcore 24/7 stuff to break thing up, but I think it's a two-fold thing..


They get to calm the live crowd down with a 6/7 minute nothing match, and Cole gets to talk about other stuff (Apps, Network, Maine Event, next PPV ect...) without talking all over anything important. At least that way the live crowd get to see another few wrestlers, rather than watching the video wall time after time.

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