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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Bryan Alvarez is a total berk. According to him, Daniel Bryan is dead and buried if he doesn't beat Randy on Sunday. He's pissed off because D-Bry has been beaten up every week on TV.


Alvarez does piss me off but to be fair the storyline has turned me off because after an amazing Summerslam I can't face watching Raw because it feels like Booker T or dog carrying Chris Jericho vs HHH. Oh and Orton is HHH's Lashley or Omaga.


I spend money on PPVs somewhat based on what I find interesting - mania, RR and anything else that is interesting. Lots of other fans out there will see it differently but I have no interest in Sunday. I'll be interested in the UK PPV rate and how it plays out. In the meanwhile I'll spend my 20 quid going to a play tomorrow afternoon.


What I fear most is the supposed McMahon vs HHH storyline for WM - massive turn off for me that they're setting up a match where a wrestler will again be a 'representative' of McMahon. Here's hoping Undertaker shoots himself up on steroids/HGH/painkillers and whatever else to get back and fight Brock.

Edited by twelve_grand
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Bryan Alvarez is a total berk. According to him, Daniel Bryan is dead and buried if he doesn't beat Randy on Sunday. He's pissed off because D-Bry has been beaten up every week on TV.

eh, that's not entirely fair. He's said he thinks Bryan has taken too many beatings that would lead you to believe he;s winning at the pay per view (8 times in a row, it's not totally unfair) and taking all of those is too much, but he's also said he loves Randy Orton as heel champion and he's sure it'll carry on past NOC. None of which is that unfair

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That was quite a good read and as mentioned, I agree with a lot of it. However, I don't think there's a lot wrong with liking specific areas of a wrestlers traits and disliking other areas, I have more of an issue with the the types of 'people' who state what they do and don't like and how they put their message across.

For example, there are footballers out there whom may be ball greedy, don't find the right passes and have shit shots in a match, but overall, have a decent 7/10 game. It's common practice for footy fans to moan and grumble about the amount of money that has been spent to bring talent in.

Older fans watch a game and stress that they wish football was like it once was 'in the good old days' when a tackle was fair play.


Like wrestling, most football fans who moan about the above or mention it in convo are usually passionate about their club/sport, just like wrestling fans, and I think it's fair to state what you do and don't like.

The problem is that Internet wrestling fans who bitch and moan about their passion do so in a similar fashion to the annoying football fan cunts that dribble 4th hand incorrect information down the local working mans club.


I have no fucking idea where I'm going with this, it just happened.


Anyway, to round up, IMO, it's how people moan and complain, not the fact that they are.


Tune in next week when I explain the similarities and differences between Eldorado and the egg and spoon race.

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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Eh, I'm not sure about some of that article. You should watch the amount of wrestling you want to watch, but then if a writing team is having to deal with more time than they're capable of I'm not sure that such a thing doesn't have an adverse effect on the overall quality of a show and lower the average quality a bit. A creative person spread too thin is probably not going to be producing their best creative work overall. The WWE goes through peaks and troughs anyway, but you get what I mean. But then I'm surprised that people don't just skip to the things they want nowadays anyway.


The injury thing very much depends on context. Admittedly the article does add an 'unless' but Owen Hart and Steve Austin botching a spot that's not too irregular and two people doing something stupid that is rarely if ever done because its stupid is an example of two wrestlers being stupid.


I'm also not sure about the 'free match' one. Say I've got a big first time match I really want to see, chances are I'm going to want it to get the big build up, the big spotlight, that big match feel. If I'm suddenly given an eight minute match between the two with no build up and that ends in a schmoz I'm gonna be disappointed, a little short changed, my hopes a little dashed, a little frustrated. Context does matter.

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It's class isn't it? I just watched some Moondogs vs Fabulous Ones match and it's like they just tossed out the best ECW brawl that never happened, all casual like. It's sounds like cheesy dvd talking heads natter but there is quite a realness to it. It's the spontaneity. It's the way someone lobs a table into the ring without caring to check if there's any poor fucker in the way. It's the grit and filth of the arena. It's Lance Russell and "Weeeeeeeeell this ones gonna be a war". It's great sod of the morning beer'd-up wrestling. It sounds weird but even the SNAP! noise the ring canvas makes gives me the thrills.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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Just noticed this on Twitter from the account of a site that tracks trending topics. Worth bearing in mind next time Michael Cole is babbling on about something trending as if that makes it a big deal.


216 users and 503 tweets (185 RTs) in 1 hour made #CMLL80 a Trending Topic in United States.
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It's class isn't it? I just watched some Moondogs vs Fabulous Ones match and it's like they just tossed out the best ECW brawl that never happened, all casual like. It's sounds like cheesy dvd talking heads natter but there is quite a realness to it. It's the spontaneity. It's the way someone lobs a table into the ring without caring to check if there's any poor fucker in the way. It's the grit and filth of the arena. It's Lance Russell and "Weeeeeeeeell this ones gonna be a war". It's great sod of the morning beer'd-up wrestling. It sounds weird but even the SNAP! noise the ring canvas makes gives me the thrills.


Is this down to YouTube?


There's a user on there who uploaded all episodes from 88, it's mentioned on the YouTube thread, I think John (above) posted the initial link. Anyway, It's fucking brill. Over the past month it's been my late night fix after my lass has gone to bed. I have it linked straight on to my virgin TV too on the YouTube channel.

It's the perfect remedy to unwind with a beer.


If you find the 88 set, the rockers turn up on the first month or so and fuck me, Shawnee is a fucking state on his first outing/interview.

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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The next day, Bryan Alvarez added a photo of money burning in flames to his website.


Is that true?

Yeah. It was a massive deal on their site, even though 95% of their readers and really nobody else seemed to give a shit about it. Some people were gutted Brock lost, but few people were up in arms that it was a WCW Invasion level cock up. Alvarez especially went ballistic. Everyone pegged it as a huge over reaction. And looking back at it, it was.


That was a joke. On the podcast, they were virtually high-fiving each other for that 'hilarious' jape. I came off of such a high watching that PPV, and then you had those miserable gits banging on about how they'd essentially burnt money. If you'd have told me beforehand Cena would win, I'd be really disappointed in the result but it was done masterfully.


Bryan Alvarez is a total berk. According to him, Daniel Bryan is dead and buried if he doesn't beat Randy on Sunday. He's pissed off because D-Bry has been beaten up every week on TV.


I'm not going to say he's dead and buried (Alvarez does seem to take the extreme view points rather than any middle ground by the seems of things) but I'm not too keen on this build for Bryan. I said first week Bryan needed to come out looking for a fight and I was shat on for it. He'd just come off of being turned on by Triple H and losing his title and he came out pathetically and took a beating. You can still have it so that he can't get to Orton and Triple H until the go home show where you get a bit of a preview of what might happen at the PPV, but you don't have to cut his legs off as much. He has been built still and he's not been completely shit on by any means, I just think that in relation to Orton and Triple H he's taken quite a battering.


I think he needs a distraction from the title picture whilst still being sold to the audience as a top player. Trips can say something along the lines of 'you've had your shot at the title and you've blown it. I'm not giving you another one' to which Daniel Bryan wins the Rumble and earns himself the shot. It's just this period from now until the Rumble that needs taking care of.

Edited by Sphinx
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I'm never normally in on a Saturday, but I am today. Pleasant surprise when I stuck the TV on and discovered that Sky One is showing Superstars, followed by an hour of Bret Hart matches, followed by SmackDown.


I've seen practically nothing of WWE outside of PPVs or NXT this year, so I consider this my afternoon sorted!


EDIT: Just seen burchybabi has posted this already in the SmackDown thread. So is it not normally on Sky One at the weekends?

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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The Bret Hart thing is the usual one hour version of a DVD they show when there's a Sky Box Office PPV. -- it's usually interspersed with some dude plugging the show.


Smackdown is the first time I've spotted it on Sky One. It's not listed for next week, so may be a one off.


Vintage Collection starts on Eurosport 2 in a couple of weeks and looks to be a series. Not sure yet if it's the same episodes that air on Sky or if there's a delay of a few weeks (which happens in Norway.)

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