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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I love seeing these behind the scenes places - always wondered what the tape archive must look like and how they preserve the older stuff. Must be a fascinating place to work!


The 1994 Behind The WWF tape has bit more of a thorough tour. Isnt that bank of minitors where Vince/Sean Mooney/ Gene used to do their update centers?

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I love seeing these behind the scenes places - always wondered what the tape archive must look like and how they preserve the older stuff. Must be a fascinating place to work!


The 1994 Behind The WWF tape has bit more of a thorough tour. Isnt that bank of minitors where Vince/Sean Mooney/ Gene used to do their update centers?


There's more than one?!



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Does anyone think Gordon Solie was abit rubbish? I really don't like his commentary with his monotone smokers voice. It's not as if I don't like commentators from that era ever as I believe Lance Russell to be the best announcer ever and I liked Bill Mercer who did the WCCW shows. I might just be rubbish with announcers though as I always preferred Schiavone too JR


I've always thought with Solie, that he was a 'you had to be there at the time' kind of guy. Always thought of him as a bit overrated, but i'm only judging him on early 90's WCW Worldwide and a few old tapes. Hardly fair.

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Downloaded the FWE iPPV, because it had a few names on it. Carlito vs Morrison, RVD vs Dreamer and Matt Strikers debut was enough for me to spend the 0 pence on it and have a look. Its all kinds of fun. The whole card was filled with ex-WWF wrestlers, of the last 2 to 5 years. People like Chris Masters, Maria, RVD, Carlito. Basically the regulars that pop up. Really enjoyed it even if the camera work was shoddy. Matt Striker tore it up at his first indy booking. He came out cut a promo doing the old "I'm not a sports entertainer, now I'm allowed to say 'wrestler', I'll say 'Japan' if I want to" etc. But you could sort of tell he wasn't doing it in a bitter way. He seemed like he needed to do a "fuck WWE style promo" after his attempts at thanking WWE for employing was met with boos. From what I saw of it, he was much better than he was in WWE. I think the sacking has humbled him a bit, so his arrogance and fairytales didn't come out every 30 seconds like when he was doing PPVs regularly. He was back to the Matt Striker who we all thought was half decent in ECW. I wouldnt be surprised if TNA snaps him up. You wouldn't think it, but he looked like a proper star in his waist coat and shirt compared to the job club looking pair that was doing commentary with him. And it got even worse when Katie Lea Burchill turned up. She sounded pilled up. She cant talk worth a shit at the best of times, so why is she on the headset? For a woman who supposedly talks several languages, she cant seem to string a sentence together. She called the Van Daminator the "Van ... chair".


The other thing was RVD and Dreamer did a late 90s style weapons brawl which was way better than anything Van Dam has done in TNA. Rob Van Dam's been on the sunbed, has dyed his light brown mop that he had in TNA to the darker brown that he had in his prime and his gut appears to have disappeared. Its almost like he didn't give a shit about TNA or someone in WWE has had a word. Or both. He moved like the RVD of old as well. And as someone that hasnt really rated him, its not saying much. I've always maintained his shitness in TNA was a mix of always being a sloppy sod and added to not caring about and not being protected by the agents like Al Snow and the other jokers they have. His matches used to always be so planned that I cant see how he cant get to the standard he used to be at in WWE. He does all the same moves he did. Give him a good road agent and he'll still do his old stunt shows. He did all his trademark spots, so he should be decent at Money in the Bank. If you liked RVD in 2006, nothing much seems to have changed since then. Dreamer was the same as ever, but the match itself was enjoyable for an indy show.


Carlito and Morrison wrestled as well, which was pretty fun. They both looking in super shape. You think these two will be back in WWE soon. They look good enough for it. The main event was a Royal Rumble style match featuring most of the roster that had already appeared. Masters was there, Dreamer, a few indy wrestlers and the like. I was watching it casually, interested in the happenings and then STONE COLD ET came out and began eliminating people and dropping wrestlers with Stunners. I didn't know what was going on. Madness. An unexpected gem if there ever was one. Check it out.


The House of Hardcore show, featuring most of these guys is also available to download. This show has the Steiner Brothers, and also Scorpio facing Morrison, which sounds more appealing to me.

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I read a report of the House of Hardcore show, looks like a really fun card. When I get my not shit laptop back later this week I'm definitely going to give it a whirl.


Just read the report of that, sounds a good show. MVP v Sami Callihan sounds a cracking match.

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It is a strange thing to persist with. I'm guessing it's an attempt to set him apart as a bit of a sideshow, since he still doesn't seem to fit in anywhere with the rest of the product. His matches are all one-off exhibitions and more often than not he's the one doing the job now. It's difficult to tell stories with him, as you can do so little with a guy that can't talk or even pull a face, so it looks like he's firmly in the 'creative has nothing for you' camp at the moment. They can't write decent angles for their midcard guys that can talk, so Sin Cara's well up against it. These past few weeks he's been doing jobs to help get over Cesaro's new affiliation with Zeb. That's arguably the best opportunity they have had since he first debuted to write him into a nice little angle, but he's probably already done with that.

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He had a wizard little match with Cesaro on Raw the other week, with Colter on commentary. Both guys looked WAY more interesting then they usually do.


They should run a little Colters Militia/Sin Cara feud through MITB, where Mysterio can save Sin Cara from a Swagger/Cesaro beatdown.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Terry Funk's just had two knee replacements. And as weird as it sounds, he was on that House of Hardcore show and moved better than he has in a decade. He's 69. Which knowing Terry Funk means he's probably got another decade left in him. I dont know how he's moving so well. My Dad's 61 and he doesn't move like Funk does. They set up a Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer vs X-Pac and Lance Storm match on a future show. I'm not making this up. Tommy Dreamer's promotion is awesome! Top to bottom it was really fun. Carlito, John Morrison, MVP, Lance Storm and X-Pac are star names who can still go to a major league standard. So with those guys on your show, you aren't going to go wrong.


Dreamer and Funk doing the DX poses at the end was great.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Think i'll have to give this a go, sounds a decent roster. Is it up on the torrent sites?


Thinking about it, TNA could do far worse than having a look at some of those lads.

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