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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I've said this before but I really think they should chuck Antonio Cesaro in with Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes, call them The League Of Gentlemen or something like that. Maybe chuck a diva in with them, you've got yourself a great new stable right there. Wrestling should always have multiple stables.

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The last thing Sandow needs is another shitehawk dragging him down. I think an injury could be the best thing to happen to Damo, if he kept getting TV time a la the "RNN" updates that first got Orton noticed. Shit alliances and fighting Orton or Sheamus every three weeks isn't doing him many favours. An injury and non-wrestling TV time could do wonders for Cesaro as well. I think Cody Rhodes is knackered until they come up with a new proper gimmick for him. He's alright at gimmicks.

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It would be fun if one of The Shield picked up a case. As individuals you would say that a world title run would be way too soon, but in their current form the threat they would carry with a MITB shot on hand would be such an easy sell.


Having said that, I'm really not a fan of MITB cash-ins anymore.

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  • Paid Members

I still think there's loads of potential in the Money in the Bank concept and that it's a great tool, but they really need to use a new approach to the actual cash in then the post match/beat down opportune cash in that use almost every single time.

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  • Paid Members
I still think there's loads of potential in the Money in the Bank concept and that it's a great tool, but they really need to use a new approach to the actual cash in then the post match/beat down opportune cash in that use almost every single time.


They could do a variant whereby the briefcase holder obtains a title shot through other means such as winning a tournament, battle royal or four-way/whatever, and at the conclusion of that title match gets intentionally disqualified utterly brutalizing the opponent with a chair. THEN cash the briefcase in. Which is the exact scenario that I thought they would implement when Edge won the Gold Rush tournament in 2005, but they didn't.


Also, while Punk used his cash in as a part of his heel turn in 2009, nobody has used the briefcase to turn babyface, have they? Imagine a situation where you have a heel stable where the leader is the reigning champion but his lieutenant is perceived to be almost as good, and the fans are dying for him to turn babyface. Said lieutenant wins the briefcase. You concoct a storyline where leader says that they want to keep the belt "in the family" so if any of his forthcoming challengers take the title off him, lieutenant will be cashing in immediately so as a group they don't lose the belt completely, and that if he still has the title when the expiry date of the briefcase is approaching, they'll have the title match at a pre-announced date, and fight like men (like how RVD and Cena announced their cash ins in advance). Then during champions' next defence, just as he seems on the verge of victory, lieutenant bonks him on the head with the briefcase, and cashes in. Come next pay per view, lieutenant goes over champion clean in a straight up one on one, and just like that you've created a brand new babyface main eventer with lots of fresh main events for his title defences against other, existing main eventers, and a storyline where the other members of the faction choose one side of the rivalry between the ex-champion and new champion. Maybe even split straight in half, creating new rivalries and matches.


Or just generally cashing in at more chaotic moments. Like in the middle of a randomly-thrown together tag match on SmackDown, playah. It's never been cashed in while another match was still in progress. Why not? He can cash it in whenever he wants. Book the champion and briefcase holder in a tag match opposite two blokes they're scheduled to fight at the PPV, then when the champion has his back turned, he gets bonked with the briefcase. Best have some mates interfere and beat up the two opponents, or bonk them too, you don't want them getting in the way.



Anyway, I came here to post this. One man's trash is another man's treasure, and today at the car boot I picked up this ring in good nick, with all the bits complete to make up the fairly cool Hell In A Cell playset. The princely sum the father asked for as his little boy watched, clearly not really wanting to get rid of it?

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  • Paid Members

Yeah, I think they missed a trick with Dolph and not having the cash in used as a tool to turn him face which I think it could have been done very effectively.


Your stable idea is one that I've long thought the MITB stip could be used to great effect with too. I'm thinking a Batista in Evolution style push. Leader has his guys enter the MITB match to prevent any big threats from obtaining it, and encourages them to win it themselves so it can be disregarded and the leader doesn't have the threat of the cash in looming over him. Then stablemate wins the case and immediately uneasiness begins between the two, with stablemate assuring leader it's safe in his hands but always with subtle hints that he will cash in on his leader. But also implying its a back up plan for the leader if he does lose his belt he can immediately make use of the cash in, which could have stable mate seemingly prepared to do an Andre, but really does a Batista. You could well do that nicely this year I reckon with Big E and Dolph. Especially with the hints at a Big E face turn and Dolph talking down to him playing out and Dolphs recent history with the cash in, knowing he needs to be wary of who holds it and keeping the tradition that those who successfully cash in later go on to be haunted by someone else cashing in on them.

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  • Awards Moderator
Anyway, I came here to post this. One man's trash is another man's treasure, and today at the car boot I picked up this ring in good nick, with all the bits complete to make up the fairly cool Hell In A Cell playset. The princely sum the father asked for as his little boy watched, clearly not really wanting to get rid of it?
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Anyway, I came here to post this. One man's trash is another man's treasure, and today at the car boot I picked up this ring in good nick, with all the bits complete to make up the fairly cool Hell In A Cell playset. The princely sum the father asked for as his little boy watched, clearly not really wanting to get rid of it?
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  • Paid Members
That's a steal! I've been after that for a while (the cell would just about make a cage for the big Mattel ring), but they go for a heck of a lot more than
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Just watched a clip called "Bischoff joins nwo" that was on my computer, which was the first time I have seen it. How shit was his heel turn? It was an awful promo by Piper, followed by an nwo run in, at which point Hogan hugs Eazy E in the ring. Then Hogan does a promo. I've always assumed it would be one of the best heel turns, considering it was something different from a wrestler joining, but it was crap.

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Its the significance of it. Not how it happened. It was a shocking turn at the time. Probably doesn't look much in the era of the "50 different heel authority figures per year". But at the time the vice president of WCW (and on-screen face of the promotion) joining up with his tormentors was pretty shocking stuff. This pre-dated Vince McMahons run as heel owner.

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Just watched a clip called "Bischoff joins nwo" that was on my computer, which was the first time I have seen it. How shit was his heel turn? It was an awful promo by Piper, followed by an nwo run in, at which point Hogan hugs Eazy E in the ring. Then Hogan does a promo. I've always assumed it would be one of the best heel turns, considering it was something different from a wrestler joining, but it was crap.

Nah at the time it was absolutely mind-blowing stuff. Going back and watching it now with years and years of swerves, turns and heel authority figures in the bag has probably taken away from the impact of it but for the time it was a great angle. Bischoff came out still trying to play the nice guy and it was only when Piper unexpectedly turned up and called him out on his lies that Bischoff and the nWo were forced to show their hand and make the big reveal. I think the understated nature of the turn was perfect for the time and the angle. The quiet disgust from the announcers was fantastic too.

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