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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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*Ian's Hogan post.*


I stated it was six in another thread a while back but recently it was pointed out that at the new count its now seven.


He had a new World Heavyweight title for his DQ rule waived bout with Paul Orndorff on the 18/10/1986, the next night at WWF's Houston Summit event he had the Hogan '86.


DQ match here: Hulk Hogan Vs Paul Orndorff - No DQ - 18/10/1986




I've been digging through my dvd's to see if I can find anything of a better quality but to no avail.

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They also aired that one weeks when for some reason there wasn't a new Nitro to show or something fucked up. I believe that's the match where the Males are challenging for the tag belts and Sting pins Riggs with a crossbody (no, not off the top rope, a plain one) and Bagwell just STANDS THERE WATCHING and the commentators make out Bagwell couldnt break a pin up on his mate Sting. What a stupid fucking finish for a tag title match. How Bagwell would change over the next year transforming from this soft pillock to one of my favourite dick heels of the 90s.


That's the one yeah. That reminds me, I really like sneaky Luger from around this time. Where he'd do heelish things when Sting wasn't looking, then if Sting turned around he'd be all smiles and high fiving little kids and all that.

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Somebody in this country really needs to book the luchadore Argos and put him in a "Battle of the High Street Shops" Battle Royal.


Edit: Actually, another AAA though, I'd be very surprised if there's a wrestler anywhere in the world who's better than Gran Apache right now. It helps that he's in one of my favourite feuds at the moment, but his timing is just superb. Its one of the hardest things to get right and he has it done to a tee.

Edited by Vamp
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He's only 43 and I remember seeing that picture years ago. I dont see how he looks amazingly well. He pretty much looks like a normal bloke in his late 30s there.


Here's a more recent picture of him. He looks like he's 43 and out of wrestling.


Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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He's only 43 and I remember seeing that picture years ago. I dont see how he looks amazingly well. He pretty much looks like a normal bloke in his late 30s there.


Here's a more recent picture of him. He looks like he's 43 and out of wrestling.



Perhaps I'm just thinking of him in comparison with Hall.

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That's the one yeah. That reminds me, I really like sneaky Luger from around this time. Where he'd do heelish things when Sting wasn't looking, then if Sting turned around he'd be all smiles and high fiving little kids and all that.


Literally something as simple as high fiving when Sting was looking then not bothering when he wasn't, was brilliant. Luger was really effective at playing a smug, half-arsed tosser. Funny that.

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At a show tonight and the babyface took a big bump into the turnbuckles, cutting short her spell of offense. A woman in the crowd responded, in a totally genuine and sincere manner, "Ooh, sausages."

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