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He needs to ditch Sin Cara


I think that's a bit harsh. Kalisto is better, but Sin Cara has been much better since Hunico (I believe) has been under the mask. More than holds his own in the team.


Hunico would be better suited to being Hunico. The stench of the Sin Cara gimmick does nobody any favors in the team.

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Him I'm less worried about than some of the others.  Similar to Mastiff, he's looks big even though he's not tall.  Got a Mick Foley-esque presence.  Plus, he's got the run of the training facility, loads of people to help him with his reps.

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Maybe I'm missing something, then. He looks bad. Fat, shitty arms. Like I said, he's got moves, and I'm sure that he could beat me up, but I don't see him as someone that will ever be main eventing WrestleManias any time in the future. I can't for the life of me imagine that Vince would look at him and think money.

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He looks double hard and like he could beat the shit out of most people ... let him beat the shit out of most people. Really looking forward to the Owens/Zayn fued.

Edited by Teedy Kay
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Kevin Owens' biggest problem isn't his physique but that dopey half-asleep stoner expression he has on his face pretty much permanently. He struggles to look menacing to me.


They booked his debut pretty much perfectly though and getting his nose smashed across his face in his match worked out brilliantly for him- the blood made him look pretty badass and worked with the whole 'fight' gimmick.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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He looks double hard and like he could beat the shit out of most people ... let him beat the shit out of most people. Really looking forward to the Owens/Zayn fued.


He doesn't look double hard to me. He looks like a fat fuck. Which is fine, if you're booked right. He'll probably end up with a dancing gimmick on Raw, though. Because it makes Vince laugh.

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Finally caught the NXT special. I was pumped for it, but unfortunately had to go on a holiday to beautiful sunny Queensland. Despite that, I managed to gradually watch the show in chunks on ridiculously overpriced hotel wi-fi. I had read great reviews of the show and figured it was worth the expense.


Kevin Owens looked like a badass in his debut. He can credit a lot of that to the reckless palm strike by CJ Parker, worked a beauty in establishing him as a hard fucker. Take that away though, and he's a short, fat guy with an average haircut, shitty facial hair, and gym teacher attire. I liked his aggression and intensity, but on a purely aesthetic level, nothing about him looks "hard". The way he carries himself has the same aura of believability as Sami Zayn, which turns out to be quite fitting.


I like the Vaudevillians silent movies, but can't say I connect with anything else about their character or matches. It's been said Aiden English looks like a low-rent Cesaro, but I also think Simon Gotch looks a bit like 1995 Eddie Guerrero (been watching early Nitros lately). The Lucha Dragons work well together, but I'd rather seen them stand out as singles guys personally. Hunico is a much better Sin Cara, and Kalisto deserves a massive main roster spotlight. Plus, the "Lucha!" chant is super cringe-worthy.


Finn Balor looked amazing, and wrestled like it too. Big, big money in that guy's near future. Also note the attention he got with the on-screen graphics. Somewhere, Wesley Blake and Buddy Murphy are furious. Hideo Itami looked pretty cool in his new get-up too, and looked okay in the ring. Still a distant second to Balor. I'm not the biggest fan of the Ascension, but I think the main roster could use some heel powerhouses in the tag division, so that works out.


Charlotte proved she wasn't carried at all by Natalya, she had a great showing with Sasha Banks- who brought it as well, when was the last time a Diva pulled off a suicide dive?!? Maybe Lita? I really, really hope someone in power was paying attention to this match especially. I can live with the likes of Neville becoming midcard fodder on Raw, but I think there's money/ratings to be found in presenting the main roster Divas like this.


Zayn and Neville had another great match, which played really well into the storyline between them. Big achievement getting a 2014 crowd to encourage a face to actually do the right thing. Don't think the match was as good as the Zayn/Cesaro series, but as a pure story arc, total greatness.


Bringing Owens into the mix as a main event player on the first night like that was perfect, especially establishing the friendship between he and Zayn with the celebration. That'll get Zayn (and perhaps Neville) through to Wrestlemania, after which I think Raw and Smackdown are theirs for the taking.


Honourable mention to William Regal, whose anguish in checking on Sami really added to the end of the show. He's so great, I hope he gets a little mini run doing something good before his body really packs it in.


The bookers/writers deserve a big raise after this, and if it's Triple H doing a lot of the creative, extra blow jobs from Steph. The talent deserve a boost in pay too, it's a bit disappointing that they can work so hard, more than the main roster, and get paid a pittance in comparison. (I know, the same booking and the main roster might deliver stuff of the same value, but still, NXT are busting their ass big time)

Edited by Shane O' Mac Version 2
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