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The UKFF's 50 Favourite Films 2012 - The Results!

Devon Malcolm

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For me, Goodfella's is the perfect film. Untouchable in every way, direction, soundtrack, wonderfully acted & full of iconic moments. The final act of Goodfella's when the feds are closing in & we're unsure whether it's Henry's coke induced paranoia or the net closing in on him is better than most films.


There's only really this, Predator, First Blood & Spinal Tap that although I own them all, if I catch any of them part way through on TV I'll still usually watch til' the end.

Edited by Dead Mike
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What do we say?


"Better than The Godfather."


So said cobra_gordo. Well, according to this poll, as it is all that matters in film opinion, he would appear to be right! The two films are very different actually, so whether it's an apt comparison is perhaps up for more debate.


I think the main reason I said that is that whenever you ask "What's the best gangster film ever" it's normally The Godfather with Goodfellas trailing a bit behind. To me there's something about Goodfellas that stands out and just makes it that bit more special, I know it's a completely different animal to Godfather so comparing the actual content of the films may be pointless but I've always thought, and so does everybody else on here judging by the placings, that Goodfellas is just that bit better.


Maybe it's the fact it's about more "grassroots"gangsters- these are bottom of the ladder guys, not Mafia Dons and I feel a bit more of a connection to them. The characters in Godfather always struck me as mob royalty, Michael and his brothers are princes born in to this family where they're gauranteed power and sucess whereas Goodfellas they're nobodies, petty crooks trying to work their way up the ranks and it's that struggle that makes me very fond of this movie. Working at the cab stand, slowly becoming somebody until at the end when he's pretty much out of his depth.


I love Ray Liotas narration, Joe Pesci swearing, how terrifying DeNiro is in the bar attack and the scene where Pesci finally gets whacked at the end sends shivers up my spine as to how ruthless it is. It's just a brilliant film and very true to the book.

Edited by cobra_gordo
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Add me to the 'not seen Commando' list. I'm also still yet to watch Blade Runner, despite having every intention to and wanting to watch it for aaages. And guess what, Godfather? Never seen you either. I may as well just leave this thread alone huh, having shown just how little worth i have here?


Well anyway, nice to see American Beauty make it. It's one i voted for (although again forgot as much until it appeared) and didn't really expect it to make the cut.


Goodfellas is one that very likely would have made my list had we been going for 20. That's the first Scorsese one isn't it? As Glads didn't say as much i'd imagine there's more to come. Well worthy of its place in a top 10. The performance of Pesci is just amazing, absolutely terrifying. And that really fucking funny scene, has to be one of the most iconic movie scenes ever.

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I'm the same where Blade Runner is concerned, been wanting to see that for years. I've no excuse really, just laziness on my part. I watch too much shite TV then complain I don't have the time to watch any films.


This thread has made me realise just how many top films I've either never seen, or have seen, but over 10 or so years ago. Goodfellas is one I probably last watched in the nineties and I've completely forgotten pretty much the entire film, except for the famous Pesci scene ShortOrderCook alludes to above. Same goes for The Godfather films. I'd probably appreciate them so much more if I watched them again now.


Before this thread started I was seriously considering ending my LoveFilm subscription... now I think I'm set up for at least the next six months.

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I know this might be a pathetic question, but is there any reason why underneath the thread title it says the most recently revealed film?

To entice people to the thread to discuss the film, I'm guessing.


It's a weird one, for me. I've never been a huge fan of Goodfella's. I don't hold with the opinion that it's better than The Godfather and Casino will always be my favourite of the Scorsese mobster films.


However, I haven't seen Goodfella's since I was a teenager, maybe I'd enjoy it more if I watched it again now. And on that note, Bladerunner's appearance on this list made remember I bought the Final Cut boxset when it first came out and then only watched disc one so I sat down and watched the theatrical cut the other night and it's much better than I remembered. The narration is incredibly cheesy but it certainly does fit with it being film noire.

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Commando's a fantastic film. The best moment in movie history might possibly be the Strapping on the Weaponry part. Its so testosterone, you get an enlarged heart just watching it. Filled with one liners, beat downs, explosions and everything else that makes Arnie brilliant.


It gave us

as well


Great as that song indeed is,

is better.


I started a thread a couple of years ago for suggestions of 80s montage/action movie tracks and this beauty made the final CD, it's a beautiful CD and it still gets played regularly when my normal music isn't giving me the right lift.


Here's how the final compilation looks, a lot of guys here suggested a lot of great tracks and these made the cut. I defy any man not to love it.




Upload that compilation, Biggy.


Yeah, please do. That looks superb.


Pritt Stick's 80s montage mix


Here you go lads, it's scientifically proven that it works best in the running order I put it in so make a playlist with it in that order. Also for maximum punch I chose in the itunes options for the song "War" to begin at 0:59.3 seconds into the song and end at 2:32.7 into the song but you can listen to the whole thing if you want.


Let me know if any of you other guys like it, I won't be responsible for any added Jakkedness or pumpedness that this brings into your life.


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Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)




People wot put it in 1st place: 0


IMDB Rating: 8.6


What's it about?


Arnie's back but he's a goody now and he's chasing John Doggett around who's trying to kill Edward Furlong. If he kills him, it will be the end of humanity - but Pecker might not be made.


What do we say?


Arnie's domination of the top 20 continues! The highest rated film on this list not to have been rated at number one by anyone, and at one point it was even threatening to be the number one overall even without a top rating from anyone. It faded slightly at the end with the voting, but not nearly enough to stop it from comfortably making the top 10 - and a positioning that surely not many people will argue with.


I can sort of understand why people didn't put it at the top. Brilliant though Terminator 2 is in many, many ways, I think it's one of those films that has just enough little flaws to stop it from being an out and out masterpiece. I thought the ending was bloody maudlin for a start, although John Galt (RIP) didn't agree:-


"The most heartbreaking line in all of cinema: '"I know now why you cry, but it is something I can never do.""


Bugger you then, Galty. But it's still magnificent although when I first saw it, in legendary Withington flea-pit Cine City, me and my mate Faarooq were threatened by two large men after we turned down their request to share my Milky Bar, so it was only on repeated viewings, minus being a quivering wreck, that I really enjoyed it. And you never really get bored of it, do you?


James Cameron has apparently turned outdoing iconic original films with his sequels into an artform. He did it with this, he did it with Aliens, he did it with, erm, Piranha 2: The Spawning. Once again, like with Aliens however, he decides on a change of direction to freshen things up. The Arnie face turn was a great shock effect decision to start off with, as was the decision to turn Linda Hamilton into a borderline psychopath. But overall, this is more of an action film than sci-fi - quicker in pace with more set pieces and humour.


It doesn't always work, as mentioned above, but this really is one of the biggest and best films of the 1990s and the kind of film that you can always watch at any time, regardless of your mood, and enjoy it immensely each and every time.


Plus, I want to be able to turn into a floor so I can see up ladies' skirts. Tee hee.


Some good bits!


Terminator 2 - The Violence Only Version




"The Galleria?"


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in 1991 I was 10 and my favourite things in the world were Guns N' Roses and the Termionator, when T2 came out it really was an amazing cross of everything I loved at the time in a way that it felt more special to me than any other film has since.


Terminator 2 is the best sequel ever, it is bigger and different to the first film in a way much like Aliens was, sequels that are just more of the same are pointless but this one took an amazing film and added to it and made it bigger and it became a huge beast of it's own.


I LOVE THIS FILM, I must've seen it 30 times and I never get sick of it, Arnie's the man, the early 90s were an awesome time and this is the film of my generation.


Still like the first one more but I have a lot of love for T2

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Thing is, the effects for T1 looked ropey about 3 years after they did them. The special effects in T2 still look really great. I don't know how Silicon Graphics did it, as films from the next 7 or 8 years that tried to replicate the success with CGI now all look terrible for the most part. I think it was the fact that he's made out of silver, made the whole thing a lot easier.


Anyway, still looks great, and the sound in this film is FANTASTIC. Really punchy, crunchy, action-focussed with a mix that gives is all room to breathe. Michael Bay take note, you talentless hack, this is how you make a good action/scifi film.

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