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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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And the NEX*GEN Title continues being the only one of theirs to change hands. Sonjay Dutt beat PJ Black for it last year due to Black signing with Lucha Underground. Interesting how it's only been held by established guys when with a name like that, you'd think there'd be an age limit on it or something to reflect it.

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I don't get the hype around him. He never struck me as a really Good wrestler, but made the most of the buzz of him leaving and wisely made his list of people to face having all the top guys on indie scene that he would look good against. Enjoyed him on colts podcast this week, but have no interest in watching any of his matches.

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There's a lad at work convinced he'd have been a massive deal if pushed right in WWE. Championship material.

But he also reckons he saw Owen die live on PPV and that Samoa Joe will win the rumble this year.

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But he also reckons he saw Owen die live on PPV

I went to uni with a guy who was adamant he'd also seen it, and next time I went home I made sure to bring the tape I'd recorded live off Sky back with me. After watching it he tried to tell me I must have taped a repeat showing.

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People who get caught in the lie are great. I knew a guy once ( early 20s at the time) who claimed he went to a training school in York and that WWE would send over guys from time to time, most recent batch been Jeff Hardy and Lita. Jeff took a training seminar in the morning and then this lad & Jeff had a Hell In A Cell match in the afternoon.

He said all of this with absolute conviction and naturally when called on his obvious bullshit story-

"Well how do I know that Lita's real name is Amy then?"

"But I know that. It's Amy Dumas, you can find that on the Internet using seconds of research"

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Imagine if camera phones were around in 1999 there would've been footage of Owen Hart's death all over the net.  To this day people probably still search for his fall hoping that the footage has surfaced.  There was always talk that WWE did record the fall but destroyed the tape.

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