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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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WWE Hall of Famer Donald Trump has become President of the USA.


So a WWE hall of famer has just become the new president of America


Yeah, I wasnt awake that early... :/
I wish I wasn't awake now :(

Half the world talking about it = Minor news item. :D

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The guy in the article in the red shirt is long-time All Star  hand Ringo Ryan. He'd be a cracking addition to NXT.


Anyone still got a copy of those racist cracks he made about Bagga a few years back?  Did it go in UKFF Gold?



I re-read it quite recently, so it must be in Gold.

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The WWE article mentioned there were more than 30 people getting a tryout, anyone know who the others were?


The only one I know of not mentioned here or in the article is a Polish fitness instructor who is apparently the first Polish athlete to receive a tryout.

I noticed Bea Priestly in one of the photos she's Will Ospreys missus Edited by TildeGuy~!
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