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Richie Freebird

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Mark Henry gets pro-wrestling more than most of the current roster. He played his character to perfection and WWE's faith in him was repaid when he helped improve Smackdown ratings while he was on top. A shame his body started to fail him, meaning WWE can't really rely on him anymore.


Aye, he was shite for ages, but he put in his time and eventually became a top wrestler.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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If I paid someone about $15m to $20m over a twenty year career, I'd expect more for my investment than one good angle and a decent mid card match with Randy Orton. Someone can't be brilliant just because they spent 5% of their career doing something worthwhile. You can't ignore the 19 years of garbage, 18 years if you want to be especially generous.

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How long has sheamus been around for now??

It feels like forever

Debuted on ECW in mid 2009, so just over 7 years

Bloody hell he has done well too still be around, he had been stale for years in my opinion

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Still got time for Sheamus, him winning the title, albeit far too early, gave me hope Cena's time would be limited. After years of HHH/Cena it was cool to see a newbie "get a shot."


Dreadful in hindsight.

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Mark Henry bending pans in 04 impressed the shit out of me as a kid.

I think his most impressive show of strength was when he had to break a the chain apart with his hands while interfering in a steel cage match. The ring crew fucked up and forgot to put a gimmick chain on, so to save the angle he just had to break a real chain. Unfortunately it took him so long to do it looked like he had botched the spot, when really he deserved a fuck ton of credit

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If I paid someone about $15m to $20m over a twenty year career, I'd expect more for my investment than one good angle and a decent mid card match with Randy Orton. Someone can't be brilliant just because they spent 5% of their career doing something worthwhile. You can't ignore the 19 years of garbage, 18 years if you want to be especially generous.

Yeah, definitely. All in all, he had a brief spell being good. And by being good, not being significantly good where he made a real impact. And moving Smackdown's ratings for a few weeks or whatever isn't the impact I mean.

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Sheamus is a terrible face but when he is a heel I hate him even more, maybe that's a sign of his character. I like his hard hitting style though, you get the impression it hurts when he is slapping or kicking someone in the ring. But watching him every week is tiresome though, not helped when he faces the same person like 30 times before doing the exact same thing with somebody else. 

Edited by Briefcase
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I think Sheamus (like a lot of people) is just a victim of soem really shitty booking.


He can cut a decent promo and has consistently good matches, but who wants to see 20 matches vs Cesaro, 20 matches vs Ziggler.


I like him, I think mainly because in his out of character bits on talk shows etc. he always comes across like a funny and charismatic guy.


I'd like him (after losing the series to Cesaro) to just go on a tear of winning matches quickly and super aggressive.  JUst \Brogue kicking people heads off. 

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Hit the Nail on the head Sheamus problem is he faced everyone who is at his level a Dozen times already


Even this best of 7 series is basically a best of 9, as Cesaro had faced Sheamus 2 times the previous weeks before the Best of 7 was announced. Not sure what else they can do with him really though


As was said above his off screen stuff on the Network and various other bits have been great and he has shown to be one of the more likeable Charasmatic guys on the roser. 

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