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Richie Freebird

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Attitude era shirts were really easy to come by cheaply on eBay in about 2004 or 2005, warehouses must have been getting rid of old stock at the time. I was buying multiples of all the Edge and Christian gear I'd wanted so badly in 2000. I've not had any luck in recent times trying to find particular shirts, especially in Fatcunt sizes.

Edited by King Pitcos
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I've not seen this Triple H logo that everyone's mentioned. Tried Googling it, but doesn't seem to be coming up - anyone got an image?


EDIT: Never mind - scrolled down quite a way, and found it in a little thumbnail.

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"What goes aroond comes aroond, Huntor"

We watched it the other night and my housemate spat out a can of Guinness at "they used to call us Hart Fart."

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Think that's just MC Run and DMC left who sang on a Triple H theme still alive now after Lemmy and Dave Williams

Depends on who sang on Ode to Joy!


Haha, true that. On another note, what are people's opinions on that transitional period of Triple H's career? Still being called Hunter Hearst Helmsley and coming out to Ode to Joy but doing the bow into the suck it sign, Chyna as the bodyguard and forming DX etc. I always thought it was a cool hybrid of the blue blood (I always liked this gimmick though to be fair) and what he would later become, and he had that sweet shirt with the gold H3 logo (which I actually managed to fine an as-new condition one on ebay, paid over the odds for it but it's awesome, though I think it's obscure enough at this point that I've never had anyone comment on it out and about). Trying to find that wax seal shirt he had as well, pretty difficult to find these old shirts now.


I don't think time's been too kind to pre game Triple H, has it? I want to say he was one of the stronger characters on Raw by default in 1997 but how many decent angles and matches can you really attribute to him? He was such a good mechanic back then before he got thrown into huge matches. Sure he'd always put on a well worked match but it always came off as such an exhibition. The kind of student-of-the-game match you'd do in front of a group of students to show them how to work tight. Completely unspectacular.


I can't even remember him on the mic much in 97 when he clearly could have been doing some interesting things. Because I did like when he had Ode To Joy but just strode out in his normal walk looking a bit miffed at everything. He came off like an absolute plank in DX playing Kernie to Michael's Jimbo Jones. He done good stuff with Mankind but my two main memories of him from that period are having the camera cut away as he's about to add something to Michael's Bad Blood pre match promo and sounding like a prick and picking up the award for Shittest Liar being confronted outside the locker rooms by Bret Hart's wife in Wrestling With Shadows.


The H3 logo was class, though. I've always wanted that shirt, too!


Yeah, admittedly there wasn't anything majorly notable he was involved in match-wise, but I guess the blueblood gimmick kind of gave way to the 'cocky prick' gimmick it merged into, though I guess you could say that was just Trips as himself back then, I like how he still showed up in Ralph Lauren polos and such, keeping a bit of that upper class thing going along with it. I've not seen Wrestling With Shadows in years so can't remember the bits that have been mentioned but I'll give it a re-watch soon and look out for them, haha


I'm just a huge fan of 1996/1997 WWF in general though (as that's some of the first stuff I started watching as a kid) and the roster around that time (as you can probably tell, Pillman and The Jackyl being two of my favourites), as I feel like at that point there were a lot of 'shades of grey' I guess you could say, where kayfaybe still half-existed but then you had Pillman around and the ECW invasion, you can see the transition toward the Attitude era taking place, it was a really interesting and compelling time in my opinion.

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Huge fan of that period, too! There's something compelling about watching it become Attitude on a week to week basis. TV evolving from week to week in a way it hasn't really done in years and years now.


For WWE in May, the company averaged 3,900 in house show attendance and 9,000 in Raw attendance.

Numbers last year were 5,600 in house shows and 8,400 for Raws, however if you take out comps the monthly average was 4,693.

Numbers for both the Reigns and Ambrose tour ended up being roughly identical, both being right at 3,900, which indicates the value of the championship has never been less



May house show figures from Meltzer on WON. This is tricky to read. A lot of people will say WWE is like the circus coming to town - that you'll generally go and see it if you're going to see it regardless of the card. At it's worse though it means Ambrose - a guy whose spent the past two years trading wins and losses - is doing the same top babyface business as Reigns. You can read into the variables of who they're facing all you want but surely that's gotta come off as a bit of a hit on paper to the top brass? Reigns A show crew are also running the bigger towns.


Either way, that's a sizeable chunk of the house show audience that have sodded off since last year. I know it's a silly comparison because the business now is so different but if you want to leave out the internaitonal markets and all that jazz Reigns is now the worst drawing champion ever, beating out Diesel, right? I could be way off the mark here.


When is WWE's next renewal with USA due? If the ratings continue the way they are you've got to imagine it'll be for a lot less money. Money they will try to recoup by popping fresh matches and uploading vintage content on the Network but that's the thing. I reckon I'm about as much of a draw for the WWE Network as Roman is.


It's such an interesting time of transition. Which is what we were all saying two years ago. The new era was meant to be trailblazing by now, by all rights, but to me nothing is set in stone yet. Raw's become a de facto dip in, dip out sort of hub for fan activity rather than the must see angle pusher.

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It's such an interesting time of transition. .


Maybe it isn't a transition. Maybe this is how it's going to be now. Gradually dwindling audiences. No new Cena/Rock/Austin coming along to save the day. I just can't imagine how WWE could ever find it's way into another spike in business.

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WWE made history today by signing Bin Wang to a developmental contract, giving him the opportunity to train to become the first-ever Chinese Superstar in WWE history. At 6-foot-3, 220 pounds, the 22-year-old from Anhui has been training for the past two years in Japan at Inoki Genome Federation (IGF), a wrestling and MMA promotion founded by WWE Hall of Famer Antonio Inoki.


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Vince just tweeted Cena doing a speech At a wwe press conference in what came across as pretty fluent Chinese/ mandarin, I imagine the locals took that very well

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Yeah, he's been learning for a while, primarily because WWE have been looking for that break into China. He's a smart cookie, and a hell of a company man.


I think he speaks Mandarin for a little bit in that Amy Schumer movie, Trainwrecked?

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