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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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I wouldn't have had a problem with Nash doing it. The Wizard Of Oz thing was an amusing observation, but I definitely wouldn't have bothered with it. If the timing had worked out, might have been a fun little development in Edge's feud with the Anonymous GM.

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I hope it's kayfabed to fuck.


"...and it was then I realised that the bloke who date raped me and married me without my consent is my true love.  Worked out OK in the end because Andrew's dead now."

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"Chapter 13: Macho Man:

It happened when I was 14. My mother and father were out and then it happened. A male figure walked into my bedroom. There he stood and out of the shadows appeared ... Pat. And we danced all night to his favourite Village People Song "Macho Macho Man." Pat said the black one reminded him of Soul Trail Jones and Brickhouse Brown. Good times."

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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"I wasn't sure I could embody the spirit. I mean...Stephanie McMahon the owner of ECW? But then when I was going through some of Hunter's old things I found that leather cap and I realsied hey, fuck it."

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I can't imagine this being anything other than a massive disappointment. It will just be full of corporate spin and we won't get anything of substance or any of her genuine views on subjects of importance, for fear of upsetting anyone or causing legal issues. Her entire role in the company is to make the brand look better than we all know it really is. She's either going to leave too much out, reference it but give generic corporate view #14 or just plain lie about things.


The book with the best hope of being amazing would be something by Steve Lombardi. Hopefully he's not left on good terms and can provide some amazing stories without fear of reprisal.

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