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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Although to be fair I was never going to pay for the network anyway as I don't really have the time to pay a tenner to something I might watch a few times a month.

You don't have the time to pay for something?



Time is money. He can't afford a tenner on something he'd barely use. I'll be cancelling it after WrestleMania as well, I think.

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WWE need to work out who is their target audience.  The PG rating and merchandise and the presentation says family viewing, aiming it at youngster.  However this demographic wont purchase the Network as much as an older audience.  They kind of have a PG show on an adult format, if they want to go the Netflix route, then the product needs to appeal to that demographic

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WWE need to work out who is their target audience. The PG rating and merchandise and the presentation says family viewing, aiming it at youngster. However this demographic wont purchase the Network as much as an older audience. They kind of have a PG show on an adult format, if they want to go the Netflix route, then the product needs to appeal to that demographic

They think that the older audience will subscribe to the Network for the old stuff anyway. I'm not sure them producing yet a other show with fresh content just for the network is going to do their overall product any favours to be honest.


And I don't see why a PG rating says older single people won't buy the network. We've got a thread on here with old single people talking about watching cartoons.

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Although to be fair I was never going to pay for the network anyway as I don't really have the time to pay a tenner to something I might watch a few times a month.

You don't have the time to pay for something?
I do have the time but no I would only watch it once or twice a month, so why pay a tenner for that.


I bought a good few of them tagged classics years ago watched a few matches and then the nostalgia fucked off and they just cluttered my house because I never watched and lobbed them in the bin a few years back.

Edited by the_mole
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I'm pretty much in the same boat in that respect. I re-signed with the network for the Rumble, with the view that I'll cancel it after Mania. At first I was binge watching all sorts- NXT, Breaking Ground, Table for Three for example- but now I don't watch it and am not hyped for Mania.


I'll probably see what the line-up will be for Extreme Rules and cancel after that show (or before if it looks rubbish, although they're usually decent).

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I reckon I get my £9.99's worth from the Network, and I never touch the archive/historic stuff.


Most months I only watch the monthly 'PPV' special, the 4 episodes of NXT, a series like Breaking Ground, and the odd Stone Cold Podcast or documentary depending on the guest/subject. A tenner a month is pretty much nothing - I'm really content with the, well, content.


I like the idea that the historic stuff is there if I want it, but see it as a bonus that comes with the current stuff I'm paying for.

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I pay for two accounts because I forgot my log in details and can't be bothered to cancel one of them. I like to think I'm helping WWE out with that extra subscription when I see people go on about cancelling all the time


Well arn't you a saint


Single handedly Keeping the WWE going witht that extra tenner a month, thats helping them out big time wonder if they could of afforded to hire Cowboy Stadium without your help?

Edited by MVP RULZ
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I pay for two accounts because I forgot my log in details and can't be bothered to cancel one of them. I like to think I'm helping WWE out with that extra subscription when I see people go on about cancelling all the time


.There is such a thing as a password reminder.  Still it makes up for Slapnuts cancelling his every month after the free trial.

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