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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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They did, and then he got injured again.

Pretty much sums up how it went for him, sadly. There were a couple of times post-Nexus where they seemed to be putting a bit of work into him (and Barrett was very much seizing the moment) only for him to get some unfortunate injury.


He's a competent wrestler (and no better), but he's a fantastic talker. In another life, he would have been really good as a manager or colour commentator.

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They did, and then he got injured again.

Pretty much sums up how it went for him, sadly. There were a couple of times post-Nexus where they seemed to be putting a bit of work into him (and Barrett was very much seizing the moment) only for him to get some unfortunate injury.


He's a competent wrestler (and no better), but he's a fantastic talker. In another life, he would have been really good as a manager or colour commentator.



To be fair he was a good, and in a different time could have been great, real midcard man and was not just some one who fills a midcard spot. He was a fun character people enjoyed watching without over shadowing the main and still remaining relevant himself.


That is a rare thing given all I read about these days of midcard over booked purgatory for all and sundry and bland Raw work-a-thons and 50/50 booking and fans going ape shit for a "super worker" or flavor of the month.

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I could have swore that back in 2013 or 2014 that Barrett said in an interview that he reckoned he has about 2-3 years left in the WWE before retiring from wrestling so he can get out in time before injuries etc. started to take its long term toll on him.

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I could have swore that back in 2013 or 2014 that Barrett said in an interview that he reckoned he has about 2-3 years left in the WWE before retiring from wrestling so he can get out in time before injuries etc. started to take its long term toll on him.

Perhaps he's called it a day then.


Tbf if he can go off and do something else and earn decent money, why not?


He's only 35. I wish more wrestlers would get out of the business while still young and healthy.

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I dunno what Barrett would make but I think I read somewhere during this Titus saga that he was on about $300,000 a year (they were on about his suspension and money he might lose out on etc), so you'd imagine Wade would take home more than that, he don't seem the sort of guy to blow hordes of cash on material shite. I'm sure he's ok for a while.

Edited by Ambulance Chaser
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I dunno what Barrett would make but I think I read somewhere during this Titus saga that he was on about $300,000 a year (they were on about his suspension and money he might lose out on etc), so you'd imagine Wade would take home more than that, he don't seem the sort of guy to blow hordes of cash on material shite. I'm sure he's ok for a while.


There was me thinking that the 500K A.J. is getting was a great deal. Titus is on 300? That's mental in comparison for what they might expect in terms of position on the card, t-shirts etc. Ian and me were talking about 500K being a "starmaker's guarantee" kind of cut, it's crazy to me that Titus would be on 3/5 of that. Has he ever screamed "bankable commodity" in his career?

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