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Richie Freebird

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It's only around a 0.25 rise, not really a huge spike.

It's the second biggest year-on-year rise in that 17 year period shown, second only to the Monday Night Wars spike. That's pretty big, especially when you consider they were on a decline during the preceding years.
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What happened in 06 that spiked the ratings a bit? Was that Batista's mania title win year?



Its been covered by Ian but that year also had the monster rating off the back of Edge's live sex celebration with Lita the night after his January title win.

Edited by Otto Dem Wanz
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Regarding ratings, something I've never seen addressed before , even though a lot of you clearly know your stuff.


Considering you can get 5 online logins for sky go now, I wonder how many people watch WWE using this (who don't have sky themselves). Also, on which device?


This is quite an interesting read regarding barb and online tv stream ratings. As it states, it's limited at present, but it might eventually prove for interesting figures. For example, I watch raw via sky go on my ps3 and from what I can tell, this isn't measurable 'yet'.



Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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They need to hit the reset button or something. Clearly this endless Authority/Rollins stuff that is most of Raw is well past the point of freshness.


Even if they get rid of the Authority there'll be a new authority figure dulling things up in two months time because they literally do not know how to do anything else anymore. When they will ever learn that having all the heat on people who hardly ever get in the ring and barely ever take a bump is fucking pointless is anyone's guess. At least Vince used to take a kick-in off Steve Austin.


They would be far better off starting each show with a presenter or guest host who runs down the show and whets people's appetites. No matches made on the fly unless it's a deal between two guys. No "Tag team match playa". No "I hate you so you're going one on one in that very ring with ..... Kane". None of that shit. And importantly, end each show with the host announcing something juicy for next week. And the host doesn't appear otherwise. No shit skits or plugging their latest movie. They appear to further WWE or they fuck off.

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It's Rollins biggest problem, that he's essentially the proxy for HHH, who is still the real big bollocks with all the actual heat.


When you could see the quarter hour ratings it was apparent that they've trained people to know the authority segments are the important bits so they always got the best ratings. There was a list somewhere that had the roster ranked by the average rating of their segment and Brad Maddox was near the top because he was in all the big authority figure segments.


They'll never move past the stale authority role now, because they do probably still look good in the ratings compared to everything else, whether that's a self fulfilling prophecy or not.

Edited by Benno
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They need to hit the reset button or something. Clearly this endless Authority/Rollins stuff that is most of Raw is well past the point of freshness.


Even if they get rid of the Authority there'll be a new authority figure dulling things up in two months time because they literally do not know how to do anything else anymore. When they will ever learn that having all the heat on people who hardly ever get in the ring and barely ever take a bump is fucking pointless is anyone's guess. At least Vince used to take a kick-in off Steve Austin.


They would be far better off starting each show with a presenter or guest host who runs down the show and whets people's appetites. No matches made on the fly unless it's a deal between two guys. No "Tag team match playa". No "I hate you so you're going one on one in that very ring with ..... Kane". None of that shit. And importantly, end each show with the host announcing something juicy for next week. And the host doesn't appear otherwise. No shit skits or plugging their latest movie. They appear to further WWE or they fuck off.



With all due respect Rick, all of that stuff's been said before. And tried before. People would just say 'it was well better when Vince used to throw Austin into matches on the fly, if I know the entire running order of the show from the start then what's the point of watching?'


They need a completely new way of presenting wrestling matches and the wrestling wrestlers who wrestle them. Something that makes the product seem as different from the Atittude era as Attitude was from Hulkamania. In the absence of that, any new stars will always seem like watered down versions of the old lads. It's a very difficult nut to crack. 


It always gets scoffed at, but finding some way to ape the new generation of clever telly shows like Breaking Bad is probably the way to go. I haven't a clue how you do that with a wrestling show, but if you'd said in 1989 that the next boom period would come about by pushing guys in black trunks and boots with loads of swearing and tits they'd have said you were mad. A new boom period requires a similar quantum leap in presentation. I actually think that in Ambrose, Wyatt, and maybe a couple of others they have performers who are savvy enough to thrive in a World BreakingBad Federation, but it's finding someone with the talent and acute cultural sensibilities who can book a wrestling show like that.


Basically, if I was Vince, I'd offer Max Landis whatever he wanted to book the show for a year. I can't think of any other way to really slay the ghosts of the Attitude era.


Edit: Although of course, Vince probably doesn't give a shit about slaying the ghosts of the Attitude era. If he can keep making money with the Attitude era tribute show they've been running for the last 14 years he'll keep it going in perpetuity. For one thing it's a nice ego boost for himself, Triple H, and all the other old guys in positions of power that what the fans really want is to relive their prime years over and over again. That is true to a point, but it's also a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Eventually they need to present a new generation as superior - and, crucially, different - to what came before it. Hulk Hogan's brightly coloured good guy act would've seemed hilariously out of place on a 1999 Raw. In 2015 it shouldn't be impossible to create a smarter wrestling show which makes The Rock and his roodypoo promos look like childish shite by comparison.

Edited by Pinc
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I still say the WWE Universe needs to take inspiration from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Ride the superhero trend into the dust. Big hero characters, big baddies, proper costumes, and so on and so on. You can even use the irregularity of part-timers to your advantage - your Big 4 Networks Specials are basically your Avengers, because they're the only time you'll see Iron Man/Cena AND Hulk/Lesnar AND Thor/Triple H AND Captain America/Rock at the same time in the same place.


Storytelling wise, you've got self-involved, self-fulfilling stories for the most part, but that are tied loosely into a bigger, wider story of various parts, involving multiple groups of wrestlers, that all comes to a head at a WrestleMania or a Summerslam.


Plus, people still like superheroes, and if they've only got a few years of billion dollar films ahead, best WWE grabs hold now. I think it's more achievable than trying to ape Breaking Bad or The Wire or something. Though I'd love to see WWE's attempt at the Fly episode.

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I despise comic books and superheroes and if WWE got like them I'd be continuing my current non-watching of the product for even longer. Instead it should be like Oz. Clearly defined allies with a common purpose, with bargaining between those defined common alliances in order to strengthen at the expense of a non suspecting group. A permanent sense of severe danger hanging over everyone like the cock of damocles ready to fall without warning at any given moment. And Big E Langston bumraping everyone.

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Didn't Oz come out just before the Nation-DOA and Los Borocuas feud? Granted besides The Rock & Faarooq the majority of them were terrible but it is what usually happens in American jails and gang culture.


Would USA let a WWE 24/ TNA Reaction type show air just before Raw and Raw Could go back to 2 hours, I know it didn't work a few years earlier when they aired Tough Enough before Raw and it did like half the viewers, it might be away to flesh out some characters who people just see as guys who wrestle every week over and over again.

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