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Richie Freebird

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he had one of the best matches I've ever seen live at the York Hall last month.


That's funny, because he also had one of the worst matches I've ever seen. I'm pretty sure everyone will guess which one I'm referring to, even without that gif any clues.


Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards. Fabulous. This is the point where my current WWE apathy turns to outright 'Balls to this, I'm going back to 1995 Raws'.


If you actually do this, please post your thoughts in the "Old School" thread mate. I'd love to compare notes.

Edited by air_raid
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he had one of the best matches I've ever seen live at the York Hall last month.


That's funny, because he also had one of the worst matches I've ever seen. I'm pretty sure everyone will guess which one I'm referring to, even without that gif any clues.



I'm going to ruin this and post the gif clue in question, because I just love watching it, in a "can't believe this actually happened" kind of way.



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Undertaker and Kane used to set people/sets on fire and magically teleport everywhere. But that is more ridiculous than that gif.




Totally seething with sarcasm of course. Nothing wrong with that spot when seen within the context of the match itself.


But I've argued the toss with similar things on here so i'll just accept the flaming for standing up for these guys.


Now Ted DiBiase's double rope rebound clothesline is truly something to discuss disust with.

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I'd like to see that double team butterfly suplex GIF again but don't know where to find it. It's one where the guy butterfly suplexes someone but lands on his head each time to roll through for the next one and then ends in some wheelbarrow concoction if I remember correctly.

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I'd stick around. The great hope is WWE spend their entire contract taking the piss. If Vince decided to get back on the coke these two would have an entrance that consisted of transforming into werewolfs, with The Great Khali dressed as a full moon mascot. You could then have John Cena endorse them too (EVIL).


I really hope this happens.


I don't want to see neckdrop Davey in the WWE, but if they have to, I hope he is stuck working terrible programmes with Tons of Funk, The Miz and Fandango, or squashed by Ryback, while Hornswoggle looks on in shock. That would go a long way to show how much of a "real wrestler" he is when he returns to ROH after requesting his release after JBL bums him in the showers for introducing himself as "Davey, 5 years experience". Full moon Khali would be the icing on the cake.

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Undertaker and Kane used to set people/sets on fire and magically teleport everywhere. But that is more ridiculous than that gif.


Totally seething with sarcasm of course.


Quite right that your sentence is sarcastic, because clearly it isn't more ridiculous. Undertaker and Kane were two supernatural cartoon characters having a supernatural cartoon feud. That's where your beloved "context" comes in. Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards are two serious "real pro wrestlers" who were meant to be the top two guys in a "serious pro wrestling" company having a "serious pro wrestling" match - completely ignoring one of the most basic principles of pro wrestling. That moves, you know, hurt your opponent, and some moves take a toll on yourself performing them.


Nothing wrong with that spot when seen within the context of the match itself.


There is no context that justifies two blokes just carrying on as if a superplex didn't happen. Davey isn't even slightly shaken up, he's rolling through and standing up straight away for another suplex. Eddie isn't hurt, he's capable of pulling a suplex reversal and has the strength to lift Davey up over his head... all without even a pause. The superplex meant nothing. Most pro wrestlers sell a punch with more conviction.

Edited by air_raid
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Nothing wrong with that spot when seen within the context of the match itself.

Was it supposed to be something other than a pro wrestling match? If not, there's everything wrong with it.


And having suffered the misfortune of watching both of them in some matches, you couldn't pick a more fitting example to epitomise what those two are all about, and everything that's wrong with indie 'style'. There isn't a possible story within the framework of any type of wrestling match that would make that shit logical, justifiable or even just pretty neat. It's doesn't even bears any resemblance to those big Japanese adrenaline-filled rebound spots, which are invariably trotted out in its defence.


If those two make it to the WWE, it should be as one-off ham'n eggers, like Rybacks fodder during his first couple of months.

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I've ranted about that indie style for years, but Davey Richards does have fire. If he can find when to do the things he does and why he's doing the things he's doing, he could be of use. Unfortunately, he's not going to be able to adopt any other character than serious hard man which they're in abundance of. WWE wouldn't let him wrestle the way he does. I was wrong about Tyler Black when I said I've no idea why they signed him, so I'll give Richards a chance.

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Richards can have very good matches when he is kept on a reasonably short leash but when he is given free reign his matches (especially the closing sequences) can become absurd. That superplex spot is right up there with the Giant falling off that building at Halloween Havoc 95.

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When Davey Richards was tag teaming with Super Dragon he was great. Super Dragon really slowed him down and helped bring out character in him, they would have slow build brutal matches with a big finishing sequence at the end which always ended before they went overboard. Ever since they stopped tagging Davey has just got worse and worse.

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