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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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The Ian Rotten news is brilliant for me. Bar WWF from 1999-2001, IWA Mid South from 2004-2006 is my favourite wrestling ever. His detractors can say all they want but Ian sure knows how to put on a brilliant wrestling show. I'd go so far as to say that the 2004 TPI is my favourite wrestling card of all time (cheating I know because it's technically two cards). Now I haven't had the chance to check out the new Mid South shows yet but I'm sure there'll be plenty more good stuff to be had from IWA. Just as long as there's another KOTDM, I've always preferred them over Tournament of Death.


Rotten has always seemed like a massive cunt.


As much as you may like IWA 04 to 06, and that's grand (although how any one could claim that is the second best of wrestling ever is quite concerning), how much of that was really down to amazing work and skill on Ian's part?


Aye I know that not many will agree with that, just my personal preference. While Ian's had his share of memorable brawls, as far as I know he booked the shows. What made IWA special to me was the amazing variety. Your average show would feature a technical masterclass, insane high-flying, a comedy match, some strong-style and then it would all be topped off with a couple of hardcore bloodbaths. It just made for very easy viewing really. Ian knew how to put together a hell of a card. In 2004 Castignoli, Danielson, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Matt Sydal, Super Dragon and Chris Hero were all regulars. Then for the more hardcore-minded fans you had Pondo, Corporal Robinson, Necro Butcher, Brain Damage, 2 Tuff Tony, JC Bailey and all the rest reguarly appearing. I'd go so far as to say that Ian is partially responsible for the rise of Punk and Hero. In Punk's case sure he then went to ROH which is where he was seen by WWE, but IWA first gave him the platform to succeed. He was an IWA main eventer from approximately 2000-2004 and it's there that I believe he honed his craft to make it in Ring of Honor and from there, the WWE.

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Mike Johnson is saying Prince Devitt and WWE are in negotiations currently. Would love to see him wrestle with the guys they have in WWE these days. Bryan, Rollins, Punk, Cesaro, Ambrose, Neville, Zayn vs Devitt would be quite insane.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Timing seems about right. He's done all he can do in New Japan apart from wear the big belt, and that ain't happening. He's good enough too - he told me in June he was "going to WWE in October" and I believed him until he said "Just fuckin' with ya." Might as well take the chance, he's still young enough to head back over to Nip if it doesn't come off for him.

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According to Matt Hardy on Twitter, Roland Alexander from "Beyond the Mat" fame has died. You know the guy.


Creepy if true - I was thinking about him yesterday and thinking how he didn't look too healthy back then, I wonder how he is now.

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Wrestling Observer Hall of Fame results for 2013:


Voted in: Dr Wagner Sr, Atlantic, Kensuke Sasaki, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Takashi Matsunaga (the All Japan Womens Promoter)


Closest misses: Carlos Colon, Rock 'n' Roll Express, Assassins


Pallo was highest among the Brits, followed by Nagasaki, Rocco and then Daddy. All the Brits remain on the ballot next year (meaning they got at least 10% of votes in their category), but only just for Haystacks.


Batista & AJ Styles both got less than 10% and are off the ballot.


New names on the ballot next year will be Minoru Suzuki, Akira Taue, Jun Akiyama and CM Punk (who all meet the ballot requirement of turning 35 or wrestling for 15 years) and JunkYard Dog (who fell off the ballot years ago but enough people asked for him to be put back on.)

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Fraid not. Partly because I'm a pedant for the secrecy of the ballot box (admittedly, mainly to wind up my missus) and partly because I'm now dealing with a good few of the European candidates professionally, so it doesn't feel appropriate.

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