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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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9 minutes ago, Weezenal said:

We've got some time with Braun Strowman tonight if anyone has any questions we can consider for the mag?

Was there ever serious consideration for Alexa to be your mystery partner at Mania?

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13 minutes ago, Weezenal said:

We've got some time with Braun Strowman tonight if anyone has any questions we can consider for the mag?

How does your voice hold up to all those “BRAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUN” you do? It’s so impressive but must do a number on your throat!

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1 hour ago, Pier Six Brawler said:

No wonder British wrestling is in the shit state it is if people are "getting shoot offended" and "turning their backs" because of a few nasty words used by a heel. You aren't supposed to like the heels, that's the whole point. So why not just have the babyfaces give the heel their comeuppance instead of having the promoter come out and expose the business? It's just as bad as Paul Heyman making Raven come out and apologise for crucifying Sandman.

What if a piece about this ends up on the news, Wrestler uses homophobic slurs at *promotion name* show, do you really think that is the reputation that they want for their business going forward? “Oh yeah, you’re the people who call it’s aufience fags & retards arnt you”. That’ll do wonders for public perception when trying to get people to buy tickets in the future. Everyone working that show is representing that promotion on that night, so the promotion can either script promos or they can give a worker free-reign, but in doing so anything that comes out of that persons mouth reflects on the promotion and their public image, and the promotion in question (can’t recall who it was) obviously doesn’t want to be associated with that sort of stuff.

As Accident Prone alluded to in their post, it’s 2018 and wrestlers should be beyond using those pathetic tactics to garner heat. EXTREME HYPOTHETICAL EXAMPLE: Let’s say a heel has spotted someone in the crowd of Middle Eastern decent and says “has anyone checked Al-Qaeda over there to see if they’ve got on explosives on them?”, is that OK so long as someone thinks “can’t get mad mate, it’s just heel heat”? Of course not, the audience member would have every right to be furious about it.

Granted you can go back and watch any amount of Jerry Lawler material from his heel run in the 90s and you’ve got him insulting the audience for how they look and on more than one occasion referring to Goldust as being “queer” or “a flaming fag”. But that was over 20 years ago, attitudes have changed & people have moved on and some posters, even if they are just trolling because they’ve obviously got nothing better going on, need to accept that this isn’t the attitude era anymore.

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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1 hour ago, Pier Six Brawler said:

No wonder British wrestling is in the shit state it is 

British wrestling events are packing venues in like sardines across the whole British Isles. PROGRESS are about to sell out the SSE arena, WOS on prime time ITV, companies with direct working links to WWE and New Japan and you regularly see people walking around wearing British wresting merch. The scene is the healthiest it's been since the days of Big Daddy and Rollerball Rocco, but because people don't want to feel marginalized at a pro wrestling show by shitarses, you feel like the British wrestling is in a 'shit state'?

Edited by Accident Prone
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2 minutes ago, Pier Six Brawler said:

Heels aren't supposed to be nice. If people know its a work, how is a heel being homophobic or racist any different to a villainous character in a TV show being homophobic or racist? 


How many other FAMILY FRIENDLY prime time TV shows in 2018 can you name which feature racists and homophobes?

Feel free to list alphabetically.

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Just because they’re” not supposed to be nice” doesn’t give them free-reign to just say anything though. ‘Not being nice’ and ‘being a dick’ are different things. They pick a person out of a crowd, they don’t know what that person has been through in their lives. In terms of homophonic slurs, what if that crowd member is gay and had a very difficult time time coming out or they don’t talk to relatives because of attitudes towards their sexuality. There are other factors to consider, you can’t just play it off as “it’s a work, get over it”

In kayfabe terms, a heel doesn’t view themselves as the bad guy, they’re doing what the see as the right way and are completely justified in what they do & say, which adds a whole other layer to spouting homophobic, racist or any other derogatory slur.

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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How many times have heel's had to result to being homophobic, racist or mocking the disabled to get heat in the last 10 years? If you are a decent heel you don't need to resort to cheap heat tactics. All this does is shows you are shit at your job that the only way to get a crowd reaction is to be massively offensive 

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