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Richie Freebird

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There's a, frankly, disturbing number of your stereotypical keyboard wrestling fans crying about it on the Facebook pages. Do these spotty, smelly fuckers genuinely think they stood even a remote chance of copping off with her? 

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So, Bertie is apparently with Paige.


Never saw that one coming.

She's not doing it right. If you're going to blow one of the wrestlers, at least blow one that can keep you on TV for years.

He's probably with her for that given how rubbish his return has been lol

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There's a personal reason I wouldn't come straight out and say it on a public forum, I'm not just being awkward but there's a post in my history that could give away what I'm talking about, think it may even be in this thread.


I'll not confirm or deny anything again due to a personal reason but I'm sure people will be able to work it out.

Edited by FUM
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Reckon I could have pulled her if I'd actually given it a go

Obvs, who on earth can resist the charm?
Very few girls can, it's usually only very intelligent girls who my charm doesn't work on. Paige doesn't come off as the brightest lass
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