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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Apart from Kidd, who else has been injured by it? I haven't read or heard anything.


I think one career ending injury is enough to ban it.


Yeh they should ban powerbombs and over the top rope bumps as well

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Apart from Kidd, who else has been injured by it? I haven't read or heard anything.


I think one career ending injury is enough to ban it.



Didn't Triple H end Salvatore Sincere's or Marty Garner's career with the Pedigree?


And didn't Ryback end Ricky Steamboat's mini-comeback with his lariat? And yeah, as sj5522, that means they should probably ban powerbombs, given what D'Lo did to Droz.


Also, Goldberg effectively ended Bret's career with a kick, so should they ban kicks too?


Moves get botched on the odd occasion. Joe's been doing the MB for years without ending anyone's career, which would strongly suggest the problem isn't with the hold itself. It's more likely that Joe made a rare mistake.

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Weaknesses build up after years of bumps and one move can be a final straw, doesn't mean it's the move. A back suplex killed Misawa. People still do suplexes and always will. You can be paralyzed if a hiptoss goes wrong, for fuck's sake.

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Was it actually the muscle buster that did it? All I've seen is that it was a freak accident and it happened on a live event.

That was the last move that Tyson Kidd took, so probably. It was a dark match at a Smackdown show.


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Weaknesses build up after years of bumps and one move can be a final straw, doesn't mean it's the move. A back suplex killed Misawa. People still do suplexes and always will. You can be paralyzed if a hiptoss goes wrong, for fuck's sake.


I should've added that to what I said above. air_raid nails this point.

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Brutal as the HHH pedigree on Marty Garner looked, it didn't lead to any serious injury -- he went on to be a Dupp in ECW, lose a squash to MVP on a WWE PPV, and still does the odd indy date today.

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