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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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WWE.COM has posted 100 unseen pictures of The Undertaker, although 1 of them at least is of Brian Lee's incarnation of The Undertaker but, still....



A lot of them are stuff you've seen on TV or seen very similar pictures of. There are some cool ones though. This is the best:




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Not surprised at all, it was always going to be a case of 'when' rather than 'if' she'd be going. I don't think WWE wanted her there anymore after the Punk saga and pending lawsuit, and she probably felt things were untenable too. Good, she was rotten.

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About time. Good riddance. She was always fascinating, in the sense that they played up her Lita-meeting superfan backstory, but from day one she had the "I'm above this stupid fake shit" smugness that you usually only see in uninterested celebrities who have to do Raw to promote something. She was absolutely awful. She did well, though, so fair play to her. Made more money and fans than I bet most divas have, and definitely more than Primo. But at least with Warrior/Goldberg types, who got what they could and fucked off, it's easy to imagine that AJ sees herself as a superworker who loves the biz and gave it her heart and all that shite.

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Thank Christ, couldn't stand her annoying face and its one expression. They have Paige for all that 'no fake tits, I'm a real womenz worker' shite now anyway, and happily enough she's far better than AJ.

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Happy days! AJ Lee is easily the most irritating thing to pop up in wrestling in the last 7 years or so. She was sort of over with nonces and girls, so I guess she had some appeal. However, I don't think a single wrestling character has made me hate the product more. That time she did a Bill "Cock" Roache style pipe bomb was possibly the worst thing ever in wrestling.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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But at least with Warrior/Goldberg types, who got what they could and fucked off, it's easy to imagine that AJ sees herself as a superworker who loves the biz and gave it her heart and all that shite.


That tattoo on her neck tells you all you need to know about her self-image in regards to her "passion for the business."

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