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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Haha! Yes! That's tremendous. Just tremendous.


I like it when they do things like this and that ad they did for moving to 3 hours. Makes it seem like it's a fun environment to be involved in rather than all the negative stuff you hear about working for WWE. And honestly does none of the talent any harm whatsoever.

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That's mildly funny to me now, although nowhere near as good as the last one I remember (was it for Summerslam maybe?)


I would've hated that sort of thing back when I was a kid though, unless it was just all the good guys doing it. It would've shattered the illusion a bit. Changed days now I guess though.

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My favourite WWF/E christmas thing is the "O Psycho Sid, see what you did!" to the tune of O Christmas Tree as performed by a choir from Superstars (I think) in 1996.


It used to be on Youtube, but it isn't anymore. That makes me sad.

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Puro fans, unless my German needs some work, Purolove is reporting that Kobashi will return to the ring in 2013 but only for his retirement match to be held 26th Feb at Budokan Hall, on the 25th Anniversary of his pro debut in the building that hosted some of his biggest triumphs including the title win and 6 of his successful defences.

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Google translate:


In an interview with Tokyo Sports laid open Kenta Kobashi that he will resign the 2013th Kobashi is missing through injury since February. In his match with All Together II at 19.02., When he took on the side of Keiji Muto against Jun Akiyama and Takao Omori, he pulled a ligament injury and a severe bruise on his right knee, a sprain of the left tibia and a fracture of the right tibia to. It in the past and got a sprain of the lumbar surgery on both elbows. 2006 Kobashi had to go through in addition probably the most difficult time of his life when a kidney tumor had to be removed.


All these diseases and injuries Kobashi must now pay tribute, because he told the newspaper, he worked feverishly in rehab back on his comeback, but had to realize that the healing process is not running satisfactorily. Thus, it seems the content of Kobashis speech that he wants on Sunday addressed to the audience in Tokyo, clear: Kenta Kobashi will tender his resignation in 2013. This resignation is not surprising, but functions in the light of reports about his dismissal at the end of the year as a compromise between graduation and their top star.


On 27 March 1967 born Kenta Kobashi in 1987 to All Japan Pro Wrestling and made his debut on 26 February 1988 for the promotion of Giant Baba Motoshi Okuma. Kobashi won six times at the All Japan All Asia Tag Team Championship, was four times World Tag Team Championship three times and the Triple Crown was allowed to call his own. He was the last Triple Crown champion before the NOAH split and won after he teamed up with a large part of the All Japan roster Pro Wrestling NOAH, the GHC Hardcore Openweight title was twice Tag Team Champion and was with 13 defenses to the last Year of the GHC Heavyweight Champion with the most title defenses.


Since 26/02/2013 the 25th Represent anniversary of his debut, it would currently appear likely that Kenta Kobashi will dispute that day his retirement match. As a venue for this match is from the Japanese press, the Nippon Budokan Hall housed in Tokyo into the game, the place where the big events of All Japan and later NOAH took place, in which he won the 2003 GHC Heavyweight Title from Mitsuharu Misawa on and the 6 of his 13 title defenses held.




So the gist is he's formally announced his intention to retire and the 25th Anniversary sounds like an ideal time.

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I've completely fallen out of the puro loop, any ideas from those of you up to speed who Kobashi will face in his final match? Is a tag match more likely, maybe involving Akiyama and Taue? What's Kawada up to these days? Would he be even a possibility?


And while I'm firing off questions, did Kobashi and Mutoh ever face off either in singles or tag?


Cheers in advance.


Sorry, these should really have been in the Questions thread but while we're on the subject.

Edited by wandshogun09
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Kobashi and Mutoh teamed together at both the All Together shows, but they did face off the once in a tag match at a Misawa memorial show in September 2009. Kobashi & Takayama vs Mutoh & Taue.


I'd say a tag match was a lot more likely. Maybe Kobashi/Shiozaki vs Akiyama/?. But then if rumours are to be believed, Akiyama will be gone from NOAH in Jan so it would be his choice to return as a freelancer for this one match. Kawada hasn't wrestled since August 2010 as he quietly stepped away from the ring. Not an official retirement, he had only just worked a NOAH tour a few months before hand, he just left to concentrate on his noodle shop and a recent pic showed he was considerably smaller outside of wrestling.

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