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The Post A Pic Of Yourself Thread V2


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I tried a number of methods and nothing shifted a substantial amount of weight that the Docs said I needed to so I discussed the possibility of a gastric sleeve being fitted. I had that done on March 31 2012 and haven't looked back. The thing was, I HAD to lose at least 5stone between them agreeing to do the op and it being done (6months). Most effective method was the milk diet, which was horrible to do at the time, but hugely effective for short-term weight loss. 2litres or 4 pints of milk a day with something like bovril or stock cubes in water (or teaspoon of Marmite dissolved in hot water) and as much other drink as I liked....but no food! Christ I hate the taste of milk now, but I lost about 2 stone in 6 weeks on it!


You look fantastic. I had a band fitted last June and I'm insanely jealous of seeing before and after shots of people who've had the sleeve and RNY. My progress is very slow (made worse by the port shifting and having to have more surgery in October) but it's going the right way at least. I didn't do the milk diet, I had SlimFast-only for a month. I lost 2 stone on that in 4 weeks and found it really easy surprisingly. I sometimes wonder whether I made the right choice having the band rather than a sleeve...

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Late congratulations to Maxwell. Lovely pictures.


And Malbranque, your little girl is growing fast eh? It doesn't seem 5 minutes since you were posting the newborn pic.


Crackers isn't it? She's gooing and gaaing and smiling and all sorts. Have to say, she's a joy to watch growing up.

Isn't your missus due Shogun?

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Not until November for us. We're finding out the gender at the next scan in a few weeks though.

You won't feel it going brother. Sounds so cliched, but I can't believe how quick things have gone since we got this scan:



You have to put the wee lad/lass in this: I'll buy it for you myself!



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