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The Post A Pic Of Yourself Thread V2


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The very little I learned from my old job was that a good DJ needs to be able to at the very least be competent enough to match beats and pitch (or at least be creative in the transition to make it as smooth or entertaining as possible), know his/her way around the equipment so as to be able to draw as much effect out of the music (s)he's playing as possible, know how to put together a set which will entertain the crowd instead of boring them or burning them out, and be adaptable enough to read the crowd's reactions and change up his set if (s)he doesn't think it's going to match the atmosphere.

And, of course, know how to put an 80's cheese playlist together. Proper DJs do that you know.

Hey, if there's no "Eye Of The Tiger" in there, you might as well cut off your balls and rub them all over your decks before throwing them away, because there's no point otherwise.

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Any DJ who's last track isn't All Night Long loses my respect instantly.


Sorry, I'd rather have Purity Control. :music:


Only if you want to clear the dance floor! That was always my speciality as a DJ, hence giving it up in favour of a real job.

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Any DJ who's last track isn't All Night Long loses my respect instantly.


Sorry, I'd rather have Purity Control. :music:


Only if you want to clear the dance floor! That was always my speciality as a DJ, hence giving it up in favour of a real job.


Depends on the floor you're working, though. Always thought your sounds were well suited to the Shoreditch rave spots.




Fellating over.

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At what point should the DJ go to his Grade A material? You know, Black Lace and 'Tell Me Ma' by The Shamrockers?


When there are more than four couples in corner booths having a finger-fest, and when at least one guy has been kicked out for puking in the middle of the floor and had his ribs stoved in by the bouncers.

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As far as i'm concerned, if a DJ doesnt have "Superman" by Black Lace on their playlist, they have no business claiming to be one.


I'm proud to announce that i requested that at my own 18th birthday party.


If you're not immediately familiar with the track, below is a brief summary of everything you need to know.



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Always thought your sounds were well suited to the Shoreditch rave spots.



Why, is old man techno ironically in fashion at the minute?


Not all of it's old man techno. Purity Control sounded quite proggy to me.

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