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Stewart Lee

Devon Malcolm

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Speaking of Lee and Morris, has anyone ever said why Lee and Herring weren't a part of the writing team for The Day Today?

MR JR Rogers asked why we were in the "On The Hour" writing team and not in the team for "The Day Today" on telly. I think we must have answered this somewhere else on here but here goes... For the last time, it's because we wanted a co-ownership deal on the TV show rather than just a straight weekly comission, as we felt like we'd created or co-created lots of characters that were successful in the radio show, i.e Patrick Marber's Brian O'hanrahanrahan which we made up, and had influenced the style/tone of the show more than we'd originally envisaged. They didn't agree and did a Stalinist re-write of hsitory which erased us from the annals.


More here: http://www.cookdandbombd.co.uk/forums/index.php?topic=1372.0

Edited by King Pitcos
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I think the whole thing wasn't helped by the fact that they thought Marber was a dick. I think that if Marber hadn't been involved, things would have worked out better.


I remember Herring telling an amusing story on RHLSTP of when he/Lee were on a plane with Armando Iannucci which experienced turbulence and Iannucci cleared the air on the whole thing, because he thought he was going to die on this hour-long domestic flight from Glasgow to London and didn't want to leave it uncleared.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was great. I was sitting with three people who had no idea who he was. I just said "his stand-up isn't like the usual suspects on the telly, just watch" and left the man to do the rest. I didn't think they'd get it, but you can feel a switch flick inside their head when he leads back to something mentioned at the start. They weren't quite sold on the lengthy "phone call" at points, they were more amazed he was getting away with it on television at all!

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