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SmackDown! results ***SPOILERS***


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With Edge winning via submission and Cole talking about him adding the new move to his repertoire, can anyone else see their match at 'Mania being turned into a submission match?


I very much doubt it, i could see the said match happening at Extreme Rules though.


Perhaps, that does sound more viable.

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I did think Ain't No Grave would make a cracking theme when I first heard it. However I'm not so keen with the result. They need to make turn it up and 'Taker needs to adapt his entrance.


Hopefully at 'Mania Undertaker goes the whole way with the grizzled cowboy gimmick and comes out on a horse.

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With Edge winning via submission and Cole talking about him adding the new move to his repertoire, can anyone else see their match at 'Mania being turned into a submission match?


I very much doubt it, i could see the said match happening at Extreme Rules though.


Perhaps, that does sound more viable.


It's funny how they're calling it a new move, seeing as he has used the Edgecator before. Still, it's been a good number of years, so not surprising, I suppose.

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With Edge winning via submission and Cole talking about him adding the new move to his repertoire, can anyone else see their match at 'Mania being turned into a submission match?


I very much doubt it, i could see the said match happening at Extreme Rules though.


Perhaps, that does sound more viable.


It's funny how they're calling it a new move, seeing as he has used the Edgecator before. Still, it's been a good number of years, so not surprising, I suppose.

It hasn't! He's used that move on Dolph Ziggler in the last few weeks, for fuck's sake. I'm sure he's busted it out a few other times since his return last year as well.


I don't know why Christian was wearing his wrestling leggings. Well I do, it's because they had a tag team main event dark match. But within that episode of Smackdown, it made no sense for "returning next week" Christian to come running down in the spandex. Wrestling's full of that nowadays. I don't even think Randy Orton's got a pair of trousers to his name. It's a wanky thing to complain about, but it does bother me how there's no thought given to that at all. A decade ago, every wrestler seemed to have at least one defined non-wrestling outfit. Although it was probably just that I wasn't such a nitpicky cunt back then.


They have to be in their gear if they are at shows, for photoshoots and things of that nature. That's reason enough, but too dull to explain to the audience. Christian returns to the show next week, but required at this show for a photoshoot, saw what was going on, and got involved. It's only a small thing to bother you, at least you don't claim it to ruin the show like some people probably would.

That's a fair enough reason, I can go along with that.


No, I'm the same. It's one of those things that ends up bugging you. Haven't watched much WWE recently, but I'd swear blind I've not seen Edge in any street clothes for a number of years either. Ziggler too.

Ziggler isn't that bad for it. He's done a fair bit of guest commentary and NXT in normal clothes.

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With Edge winning via submission and Cole talking about him adding the new move to his repertoire, can anyone else see their match at 'Mania being turned into a submission match?


I very much doubt it, i could see the said match happening at Extreme Rules though.


Perhaps, that does sound more viable.


It's funny how they're calling it a new move, seeing as he has used the Edgecator before. Still, it's been a good number of years, so not surprising, I suppose.

It hasn't! He's used that move on Dolph Ziggler in the last few weeks, for fuck's sake. I'm sure he's busted it out a few other times since his return last year as well.


Calm down, I meant before he started the most recent "run" of using it again on Ziggler.


I haven't seen so much SD, so don't know if he had used since his return, but I tried to keep abreast of it by reading spoilers, and it didn't come up. May have missed it, of course.

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With Edge winning via submission and Cole talking about him adding the new move to his repertoire, can anyone else see their match at 'Mania being turned into a submission match?


I could totally role with that actually, I think with submissions as the focus it might spice the match up a bit especially if Edge can get the Edgecator over again so it looks like just as much of a threat as Del Rio's arm breaker.


Also, Del Rio NEEDS to have match with Chris Masters, just so we can have the Masterlock vs the Cross Arm Breaker. Obviously Del Rio would win, but any reason to get Masters on Smackdown and not feuding with Tyler fucking Reks on Superstars will do.

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I haven't seen so much SD, so don't know if he had used since his return, but I tried to keep abreast of it by reading spoilers, and it didn't come up. May have missed it, of course.

I don't think he's ever really stopped bringing it out as an occasional move, it's just rare that it's beaten anyone since about 2002. He beat Kofi Kingston with it a couple of years ago on Smackdown though. Just before the Edge-Cena-Big Show WrestleMania match, it was.

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