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The UKFF Retro Gaming Thread


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Has anyone been to the Power Up event at the London Science museum? It's on at the moment. I and a few friends and family attended it last night. It's themed on retro games and they have a number of consoles and computers set up for people to play and enjoy. We went to a lecture there that was titled The Evolution of Video Games. Which covered the early 70s up to the present day.  The speakers were Phil Hutchinson, and John Hare, among others. And the evening was compered by the editor of Retro Games magazine. Their audience had a fair smattering of people who have had quite an impact on the games industry over the last 40+ years.

It's a pretty cool venue too.  A massive place. The Retro games area is vast. If anyone is looking to do something with a retro game flavour this week. Definitely check it out. Power Up is on until 31/10/17.

That wasn't intended to come across as an advert. Just an enthusiastic recommendation.

Enjoy it if you go.

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Larry Bundy Jr aka Guru Larry is working on his own book based on his Youtube series Fact Hunt. It's being crowdfunded and is a wee bit pricy at £10 for a digital copy, but his stuff is always quite informative.

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Local museum had a "Retro Gaming Room" as part of a Bergerac/"Jersey in the 1980s" exhibition, as if I needed more of a reason to justify going to a Bergerac exhibit!

Turned out to be a bit wank, as they'd clearly just cobbled together whatever they could get hold of locally, and shoved it all in an empty room with no rhyme or reason to it. They had an old Spider-Man pinball machine from the first movie, that's been floating around since then - used to live at the local Cineworld, ended up in a pub for a bit, and they got rid of it because it just got old and knackered. Was still very much old and knackered here, and borderline unplayable as a result - which is a shame, as I used to beast it at the cinema. The other pinball machine they had didn't work at all.

Otherwise, they had a few handheld gadgets, like old Game & Watches and handheld Space Invaders knock-offs - again, a fair few of them not working - a tabletop arcade cabinet I never got chance to look at because it was always occupied, but chances are is another one I know has done the rounds of being based at the cinema and pubs, and is well past its best, and two arcade cabinets running "50 Games In One!" type software. One was good fun, and had WWF Superstars on it, so that kept me busy, but the other was running out of a Donkey Kong 3 cabinet, so the buttons on the cabinet had little relation to the game you were playing, and the joystick was clunky and horribly unresponsive. A mate went a few days later and sent it had got so bad that the joystick wouldn't even register if you tried to move it to the right.

Highlight for me, though, was that they had an Atari 2600 set up. It had the God-awful port of Pac-Man playing on it, but also Centipede, Dig Dug and Kangaroo available. Wasted way too much time playing Kangaroo, and then introduced my sister (who loves Pac-Man) to the Atari version, which she was utterly unaware of, and I think it scarred her for life.


A lot of young kids there, and it was heartwarming to see them actually getting really into some early '90s games, rather than seeing them as Old And Gay.

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There's supposed to be a pretty good homebrew version of Atari VCS Pac-man kicking around. Kangaroo is a classic. I still need to try and drag myself up to Arcade Club. I'm off work on my birthday, so may drag my significant other up there that evening.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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3 hours ago, scratchdj said:

A few pages back I noted that it’s not been possible to get retro console cases for a Pi, well it turns out I was wrong. Check out this little beauty. I’ve just ordered one.


Apparently it’s been down to £11, still cool as shit for £16 though. Good find

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  • 1 month later...
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Right guys, I'm hoping some of you can give me a bit of advice please?

My mother has said she will get me one of these Pi retro systems for Xmas. Thing is, I'm not sure what to look for or if it would be better to build myself?

The one I've seen is: 


I was drawn to this one as it has some of the old arcade games I  used to love like Wrestlefest, Turtles and a Moonwalker game I was obsessed with.

Is it a decent deal or would I be able to build it myself much cheaper, and if I did, would i be able to get all the games I want easy enough?


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1 hour ago, Cod Eye said:

Right guys, I'm hoping some of you can give me a bit of advice please?

My mother has said she will get me one of these Pi retro systems for Xmas. Thing is, I'm not sure what to look for or if it would be better to build myself?

The one I've seen is: 


I was drawn to this one as it has some of the old arcade games I  used to love like Wrestlefest, Turtles and a Moonwalker game I was obsessed with.

Is it a decent deal or would I be able to build it myself much cheaper, and if I did, would i be able to get all the games I want easy enough?


Seems a good deal. It's not very clear as to what it means by 'Emulaters included'. Does it mean that all the games for those systems are included or just the relevant software?

Tom's Retro Shack sell a Rasberry Pi build into an old NES controller, think it was around £130 and includes all the major games for  NES, SNES, Mega Drive, Master System amongst others. The controller that it's build into also acts as the controller for the NES games and you also a USB SNES controller included.

They're closed for Christmas and reopen January 1st so I can't post a link unfortunately, but it could be a good alternative if you get the money for it and wait till the new year

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5 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Seems a good deal. It's not very clear as to what it means by 'Emulaters included'. Does it mean that all the games for those systems are included or just the relevant software?

Tom's Retro Shack sell a Rasberry Pi build into an old NES controller, think it was around £130 and includes all the major games for  NES, SNES, Mega Drive, Master System amongst others. The controller that it's build into also acts as the controller for the NES games and you also a USB SNES controller included.

They're closed for Christmas and reopen January 1st so I can't post a link unfortunately, but it could be a good alternative if you get the money for it and wait till the new year

From what I can gather, the games are already on. 

If it seems like a decent price, I think I'll plump for one of those than. Thanks for the advice!

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No worries pal.

Let us know how you get on if you get it. I went the other route of buying an old SNES console and getting an EverDrive cartridge. It's great fun, but can only really hook it up by using the composite cable. I tried using an HDMI upscale R, but it looked horrendous. If that one you mentioned is pretty much the same as mine but in HD through HDMI, I might eBay what I've got now

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I really need to jump on that Pi selling bandwagon, I could make a mint. ETA PRIME is a good Youtube channel for help with Retropie related stuff if anyone does feel like building one from scratch.

Regarding upscales, I really don't like them, even the expensive ones that do make your old games look nice on a modern TV. If I'm going to use original hardware I'm going to go all out and play them on a CRT (I want a Sony PVM so much) and use emulation with filters on a HDTV.


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