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Not been around much so apologies if it's been asked already, but is anybody doing the CD swap this year? Usually around summer time, isn't it?


Not offering to arrange it, but I always enjoy taking part.


I think last time it went to shit as half the people involved suddenly had problems with their CD burners, or were unable to get to the Post Office for another couple of months. The organizer probably lost interest.

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  • Paid Members
Not been around much so apologies if it's been asked already, but is anybody doing the CD swap this year? Usually around summer time, isn't it?


Not offering to arrange it, but I always enjoy taking part.


Why not do it as Spotify playlists/folders of properly acquired music sent via dropbox? That then solves the problems of 'Oh my CD Burner isn't working' and stuff.

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I'd be happy to organise it, although I probably wouldn't actually take part, since my music taste is all ~mainstream~ and terrible.


Do it! I got some weird shit in the various comps, from mainstream to soundtracks to out-there jams. That's kind of the point - exposure and a general "this is me" flavour to the playlist. Set up a track limit rule (say, 15), swap addresses in secret and everyone publishes their thoughts. Good fun to be had.

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The last one did indeed go to total shit. I had problems and the CD I did receive my car CD player decided it didn't like Kenny McBride tastes and scratched the thing to shit. Would have been taking the piss a bit to ask him to send me another one. So doing it all online does make sense and is certainly more practical. Especially as nobody has CDs these days do they!? I think people like the whole old school feel of that though and the excitement of waiting for it to arrive. You'd lose those aspects of it but at least it probably wouldn't go completely to wank this time. My musical tastes have changed a fair bit now since the last one. I've got a playlist for one 'disc' all set up on my iPod already, so I might get involved.


It would also make it far easier to make it a continued share like I suggested last time. Get an email address, have a listen, get a different email address, pass it on, etc.

Edited by ShortOrderCook
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