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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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The Box.


Ummm, can someone explain to me what the F that was all about?


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

From what I could make out Earth is purgatory and you are tested via a box whether you go to heaven or hell. Basically the box tests your greed and morality by whether you press the button or not.



Is that right?

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I went to see Avatar today, some of it was pretty good, some was awful and there was a LOT of meh in between. It was just far too long with a pretty thin story. It looks absolutly beautiful, make no mistake about that, but after an hour or so it starts to seem like a video game that you're not playing. It'll make a metric fuck ton of money, but the bits where it drags and doesn't seem to go anywhere are far too often it brings down the overall quality of the film from something that could've been pretty good to pretty average. Another thing that bugged me is a lot of the dialogue seemed like it was written by a 9 year old, it just didn't seem to fit in such a grand epic vision that James Cameron obviously had for this.

Edited by Harvey Dent
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I watched Yes Man yesterday.


The only good thing about the film was the lead actress.. who had a Katy Perry thing going on.. but is just so much nicer. Apart from that.. it wasnt a patch on Liar Liar.

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I saw Avatar yesterday and loved it. The real world seems pretty dull compared to the world of Pandora James Cameron created. A simple story and script but it totally works, some people have said it's too long but I didn't feel that. This needs to be seen in 3D and you shouldn't wait for the DVD to come out, you want to see everything on screen as best you can. There was one scene early on in the jungle where I was in awe of how beautiful it was. Also probably the first CGI heavy movie where the effects were actually really believable.

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I watched Yes Man yesterday.


The only good thing about the film was the lead actress.. who had a Katy Perry thing going on.. but is just so much nicer. Apart from that.. it wasnt a patch on Liar Liar.

It might be more fairly said that Katy Perry has a Zooey Deschanel thing going on, but eh.


Aeon Flux - Rifftrax version

Even the rifftrax boys can't make this film any better. It's shite.

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watched `bernard and the genie` tonight.


This TV movie was made by talkback productions and the BBC starring Alan Cumming as Bernard, Lenny Henry as the genie, Rowan Atkinson as Bernards boss and a load of cameos by other TV personalities.


Why havent I heard of this I hear you cry?


Thats cause it was made in 1991 and has never released on dvd (although there is a region 1 dodgy dvd that sells for upwards of

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watched a couple of old but good films the last two days, the first being a muppet christmas carol, which is my xmas tradition movie, then i watched the first home alone film on sky which is still fun to watch after nearly 20 years and then tonight i watched hot shots part deux which again still holds up well after so long

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Had Yes Man on last night and found it to be quite an enjoyable film. Entirely different from the book which was a disappointment as I think a film true to the book would work better for a more subdued actor, but for Carrey, he did great in this one.

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Jimmy, Bernard and the Genie is an awesome film, and should be shown every Christmas.


Ill second that, Iam sure it had a repeat in about 1995 if memory serves as I remember watching it slightly intoxicated and thinking this is shit hawt! Gary Lineker has a cameo iirc?



On an Xmas theme.. I'm gonna start re watching for the umpteenth time The Box of Delights


The wolves are indeed running Muthafuckers! :thumbsup:

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Jimmy, Bernard and the Genie is an awesome film, and should be shown every Christmas.


Ill second that, Iam sure it had a repeat in about 1995 if memory serves as I remember watching it slightly intoxicated and thinking this is shit hawt! Gary Lineker has a cameo iirc?


Yep he does have a cameo!


I do agree it should be one of those fundemental christmas showings!


We should start a facebook group :)

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I Am Legend


I wanted to see this at the cinema but couldn't be arsed to go, fortunately it's not a very good film so it all worked out in the end. Will Smith's performance was excellent, he played his role of the last human left on Earth better than I would have expected and you could believe that he was genuinely riddled with guilt and slowly losing his grip on reality. I'm aware that this film is based on a novel and unfortunately I haven't read said novel so I don't know if the plot holes came from the source material or were added in by a Hollywood writer but by the time the end credits rolled I felt like I'd only watched half a movie. I was also angry that they broke the "pets don't die" rule, having lost a treasured family dog this year I really didn't need to see that scene.

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Just watched both The Science of Sleep and Hansel and Gretel (Korean)


If you like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind you should like Science, it's on a much lesser budget and without any known actors but was just as strong in my opinion. I think i'll have to watch it again as it's one of them films where you are wondering what's going on at first.


Hansel and Gretel was just fucking awesome, think of a mix between Pan's Labryinth and A Tale of Two Sisters that could easily live up to and maybe even better either film.

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