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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I think everyone knew Lost was going to end poorly, but it's some achievement that it was that bad. Almost like a big meta joke on the audience.

The on-island finish was as good as it was going to be with that set up, and Jack had an appropriately heroic "I fixed it!" finish. But they burned up all that goodwill with Flash Sideways and Afterlifey bollocks which they swore they weren't doing. Plus if you watch the S6 opening two parts it's obvious they haven't determined that at the time of writing.


If they'd channelled Flash Sideways the way everyone thought they were going to - a parallel universe where things went wrong and people like Desmond knew, and only healing the Island would fix it - they probably could have rescued their reputation.

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  • Awards Moderator
I think everyone knew Lost was going to end poorly, but it's some achievement that it was that bad. Almost like a big meta joke on the audience.

The on-island finish was as good as it was going to be with that set up, and Jack had an appropriately heroic "I fixed it!" finish. But they burned up all that goodwill with Flash Sideways and Afterlifey bollocks which they swore they weren't doing. Plus if you watch the S6 opening two parts it's obvious they haven't determined that at the time of writing.


If they'd channelled Flash Sideways the way everyone thought they were going to - a parallel universe where things went wrong and people like Desmond knew, and only healing the Island would fix it - they probably could have rescued their reputation.


I would have liked that from the flash-sideways. Although, to be honest, I don

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I abandoned ship during that shit first half of season 3, but you guys are making me want to try again!


Basically, it seemed like nothing was happening and then SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Adebisi died

and I thought "fuck it, I'm out".

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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I abandoned ship during that shit first half of season 3, but you guys are making me want to try again!

It's not worth it.


Basically, it seemed like nothing was happening and then SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Adebisi died

and I thought "fuck it, I'm out".

Apparently he was meant to play a massive part in the mythology and ending, and him jacking it in meant they had to change quite a few plans.

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  • Awards Moderator
I abandoned ship during that shit first half of season 3, but you guys are making me want to try again!


I voted it my #3 in UKFF Dramas so I really want to recommend you go for it. But I know in my heart it just isn't good enough in the second half of the show. There's lots of standout moments in what you've missed, but when there's so many other great series out there vying for attention it seems like a waste.


You really did watch the high arc of the show, so well done.

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I did really enjoy the first couple seasons though. Maybe I should just watch them again but not bother continuing.


I think it's for the best that I don't try to go any further though, because even if 3 - 5 are good, I hate the idea of putting that much effort in for a shitty payoff.


The way some guys are talking about how invested they got in to Lost at the time though reminds me of how into 24 I was for the first series of that. So utterly captivating on a week to week, and so fresh and original to me at the time.


That totally went off the rails, too. But it doesn't matter because the first season is still totally rewatchable as a self contained and fantastic bit of television.

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Lost was the only program i took time off work for.


I didnt have sky at the time and someone lent me season one and two. I phoned in sick to watch it..........


With all the strange shite going on later i remember being shocked by the polar bear!


They had no idea how to finish it, i would guess they had no idea they would get more than a few seasons out of it.

Edited by quote the raven
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LOST ruined my life for about three weeks - we'd never been much for watching seasons back to back, or even for dramas, but we decided to start LOST on Netflix - fucking hell. We only watched that, the news, and RuPaul's Drag Race for about 20 days. I'm sure that if I wasn't in that deep, the ending would have been a shitter, but by that point I was so invested that I was totally down for it.

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Having just moved back in with my parents (I'm such a catch) I'm being exposed to the utter shite that they watch on telly. The only things I watch are Stewart Lee, University Challenge and Only Connect.


In between the reality TV shows and shows where people are cleaning, mending, fixing, eating or inspecting things, my dad watches this thing called Whitechapel. It's such a fucking load of old shit. Is it supposed to be a detective series or something? It's such Americanised wank - all swooping cameras and whooshing sound effects and appalling dialogue that is probably meant to be realistic. Steve Pemberton's in it and he's absolutely fucking awful. There was a bit in it tonight where all the cops are celebrating someone getting divorced and then the phone rings and they all stop and go silent like the phone just told them to go fuck themselves or something. One of them picked it up and, in all seriousness, goes, "There's been a murder!"


I don't understand the point of wasting money on making this. If you want to have an American cop show so much then just buy an American cop show instead of doing a shit copy of one that is inferior in every way and loads more expensive. Fucking bollocks.

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