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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I think I'm the perfect meat eater. I don't give a fuck what kind of meat it is, if it tastes good. And I've seen all those videos of cows being slaughtered and shit that are supposed to put you off: they didn't. Oddly, I don't like fish unless its covered in batter or doesn't look like...fish.

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On the irrational attitudes towards meat front, I don't like any meat that looks like meat, except steak. If something looks like the carcass of an animal or has bones, it puts me off. For the most part, I'm happier with something that's been processed into a disc or goujon or dinosaur shape, or at least covered in breadcrumbs or batter.




If you're going to eat meat, do it properly. Eat fresh meat, that's been recently hacked out of an animal carcass or caught in a net, and not passed through 6 countries on its way to your frozen bag of goujons.


Meat on the bone is lush - chops, ribs, shoulder, thighs and legs. A roast chicken is the most honest way of eating a bird - you have to dismember it yourself before scoffing it. At least if it's on the bone it's probably come from a single source and a single animal. The travel history of the meat that ends up in your McDonalds burger would put Marco Polo to shame.


In fact, generally the less popular cuts of meat are the best if you cook them properly. Offal is amazing - kidney and liver are cheap as chips and delicious. I had lambs brains in france and they were amazing. Oxtail is great, trotters are great. Properly flavoursome, textured stuff. Your average steak overcooked in a frying pan tastes utterly bland compared to all this stuff.


The only thing I dislike is hearts - I had a couple of stuffed lambs hearts a while back, and I couldn't get over the fact they looked just like a fucking heart with all the tubes and that.


And here's the craziest thing - it's fucking cheaper to buy decent meat.

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If you're going to eat meat, do it properly. Eat fresh meat, that's been recently hacked out of an animal carcass or caught in a net, and not passed through 6 countries on its way to your frozen bag of goujons.


Meat on the bone is lush - chops, ribs, shoulder, thighs and legs. A roast chicken is the most honest way of eating a bird - you have to dismember it yourself before scoffing it. At least if it's on the bone it's probably come from a single source and a single animal. The travel history of the meat that ends up in your McDonalds burger would put Marco Polo to shame.

No. The further the distance, and the more preservatives and stuff that separates it from "dead body" the better for me. Plus, McDonalds beef in this country is (unless it's changed recently) all sourced from UK and Irish farms. It's the chicken that's dodgy.


In fact, generally the less popular cuts of meat are the best if you cook them properly. Offal is amazing - kidney and liver are cheap as chips and delicious. I had lambs brains in france and they were amazing. Oxtail is great, trotters are great. Properly flavoursome, textured stuff. Your average steak overcooked in a frying pan tastes utterly bland compared to all this stuff.

I'm sure that a piece of bread tastes utterly bland compared to a piece of cowshit, but I'd still rather eat the bread. I won't even eat pork or sausages most of the time, I'd literally rather murder somebody who offered me trotters than accept.


Edit: The montage in this week's Derek was embarrassing. The sort of obvious thing you'd expect a teenager to come up with.


In the night, the stormy night

She closed her eyes (SHOT OF WOMAN ASLEEP)

In the night, the stormy night

Away she'd fly. (SHOT OF BIRD FLYING)

Edited by King Pitcos
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So I've been seeing leaflets and so forth that tell me that eating meat is like putting diesel in a petrol car because we're not really meant to eat it, which seems completely at odds from things I thought I knew, but on the basis that my education might have been run by the meat loving New World Order, where the fuck has that stuff come from? Is there any truth to it? What is the truth to it?

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The last episode of The Walking Dead sums up the entire show, ie, 30 minutes of shit, drivel and bad monologues, followed by a phenmoninal last 10 minutes, thus making you almost forget about how bad the rest of the episode was.

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With the Walking Dead, as I heard the

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

van full of walkers coming, I thought it was Daryl on his Motorbike,


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");document.close(); so was swearing thinking about what was going to happen. Luckily it didn't, and they all live to fight another day. Except that dude who died, but I don't know who he was really.
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Whenever obscure TV nostalgia is brought up, something I often mention is The Pilot Show. This was a mix of tricking celebs and the public into doing stuff for fake TV shows.


My favourite bit, from memory, was when they had a bunch of normal people that they told would be the first civilians in space for a TV show, and had them record motivational green screen promos for the public as if they were in space to be broadcast later.


Anyway.. I couldn't find that bit, so here's

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