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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Heroes is back on tonight at 9pm!


Anyone else see the programme about the Amish people in Pensylvania?

It was just up my street, not literally I don't live there lol


There was a good new Austrailian comedy on Dave the other day called Chandon if I remember correctly.


Other than that I've been enjoying reruns of Only Fools and Horses on GOLD :)

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Heroes is back on tonight at 9pm!

And it's looking a bit rubbish so far. :(


What don't you like it?


I enjoyed the first series and have followed it ever since as unlike most of these different American series I'd caught it right from the beginning but it has never been as good as the first series. Perhaps the problem is with some of the characters like some modern wrestling is that you can't get behind the characters as they are not clearly defined wether they are on the side of good or evil. Nathan is one of these types but seems to have turned heel now or has he?

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I loved the first series of heroes also, but i'm fast growing sick and tired of the show


It's just becoming ridiculous. Like you said, what characters are we supposed to get behind anymore? Every seems to have turned heel once or twice and i've actually lost count and the stupid stories just confuse me. Not in a "lost makes me think about the past episodes till it clicks" type of way, just confusing in the fact that i'm struggling to myself just why i still watch this shit.


It seems every time they run out of ideas on the show, they attempt a reboot and rehash of series one story archs. Without reading up on anything I genuinely don't know if Peter still had his powers or not..Until he started tenetikally throwing people around on the plane. And then of course their is the whole "OMG PETER HOLD ON TO SOMETHING YOU MIGHT FALL OUT OF THE PLANE".....YOU CAN FUCKING FLY PETER, you dont need to hold on :angry: So yeah it's shit like this that make me personally start to hate it.


I'll continue to watch it though until it gets cancelled as a series, which will most likely be after this one

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What don't you like it?


Increasingly convoluted storylines that never seem to have an impact on anything (although this new one might reign them back in), heavy reliance on the same crutches (ooh the future, must stop it - oh no Hiro has lost his powers/gone somewhere weird again!, Clares Dad just wants to protect her - but she is a teenage so rebels!), increasing focus on poor actors, poor writing (the number of times characters do something stupid - purely to advance the plot, or writers just changing shit to suit them - see peters new 'one power at a time'), lack of decent continuity (aforementioned heel/face turns and loads of other bits that escape my mind)


I unno, the first series was so good. Now it's a big mess, doesn't seem like they plan anything - all these weird storylines just kinda go round and round with arcs starting and stopping without warning. The new chapter looks like it might be able to reign in a lot of their mistakes but series 2 and part one of 3 were just so awful.

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Heroes is back on tonight at 9pm!

And it's looking a bit rubbish so far. :(

What don't you like it?

What they said.


I loved series one, but it really started going downhill in series two, and not entirely because of the rushed ending. Characters just began behaving in plain annoying ways, and things stopped making sense. I want the new season to be an improvement but the first episode wasn't the positive sign I was hoping for.

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I liked it when Sylar was becoming good but now I don't know what to think, is he a villain or a hero? Yep Heroes has become rather like TNA lol

This is the thing. If you'll excuse the wrestling vernacular, the face turns have been excellent - Sylar and HRG - but the subsequent heel turns have been a lot more sudden and arbitrary. I'm all for shades of grey, but they've definitely been overdoing it to the point where characters who are supposed to be mostly good with a hint of bad, or do bad things for the right reasons, just don't seem as redeemable as they should.

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Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


She's like Nancy Botwin with a shotgun is our Sarah. I think I'm developing a "thing" for this kind of character. Maybe it's because I was raised by a widow and have much admiration for the single mother doing whatever it takes. Who knows? Maybe I just like dark-haired thirty and forty something women who don't take no shit from nobody but are deep-down very caring and sweet and stuff.


Anyway, the season 1 box set was

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Also downloaded the pilot episode of DollHouse, which I'm quite anxious to watch. Might give that a go this evening.


First episode is very mediocre (as most pilots are in my opinion), but it get the job done in establishing the characters and the premise of the show. Not boring but not great.


Second episode is alot better and delves into thing alot deeper and is more action packed.


Im currently downloading the ep. I'm a Joss Whedon Geek, so I'll trust that this is going to become amazing like the rest of his show over time

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Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


She's like Nancy Botwin with a shotgun is our Sarah. I think I'm developing a "thing" for this kind of character. Maybe it's because I was raised by a widow and have much admiration for the single mother doing whatever it takes. Who knows? Maybe I just like dark-haired thirty and forty something women who don't take no shit from nobody but are deep-down very caring and sweet and stuff.


Anyway, the season 1 box set was

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