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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Some people are watching and actively enjoying The Walking Dead in series 2.


As above, you do occasionally hear of people who made it past the middle of series 2 of Heroes.


But did anyone anywhere make it to the end of the first and only series of Flash Forward?

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Anna Chlumsky?


Anyways, given that I don't have Sky Atlantic... if Partridge surfaces online and any kind UKFFer happens to notice, please PM me a link. Ta.


so it is




thanks for the name.


and i did get to the end of flash forward. somehow

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and my problem with Greg Grunberg's stupid clown face has reached fever pitch. At one point last night I had to look away. I can't deal with him. I'm no photogenic Hollywood type but fuck me, this bumbling cunt having a career in acting is just wrong. He's a mess. A creepy, terrible mess. Who cannot, absolutely cannot act.

haha, this is true. He's a total f'n cretin.


I kinda enjoyed Heroes, i watched it all with my girlfriend (probably wouldnt have managed it alone), the show was without doubt a mess, the frequency of characters returning and then disappearing for odd little appearence and others going from good to bad and back was just mental. A lot of it didn't make sense but i still found it entertaining all the same.


Any love on here for Jericho? just polished off season 1. Excellent, underrated show. It's similar to newer shows like Walking Dead and Falling Skies in that it features a community/group coming together after an earth changing event. These shows rely on the chemistry between the characters and i think Jericho had that nailed down. I know it got cancelled after season 2 and remains a bit of a cult favorite but the show definitly deserves more love.

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Some people are watching and actively enjoying The Walking Dead in series 2.


As above, you do occasionally hear of people who made it past the middle of series 2 of Heroes.


But did anyone anywhere make it to the end of the first and only series of Flash Forward?

Yeah i did actually and i really enjoyed it but i'm also willing to accept i'm in the minority on this one.

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Watched Partridge before work this morning and thought it was fantastic. I know they were easy gags, but the Swimming Pool and Meeting his old teacher bits floored me. A really fantastic bit of work anyway, already looking forward to watching it again in a few days.

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Some people are watching and actively enjoying The Walking Dead in series 2.

I only recently found this out. I thought The Walking Dead, despite its popularity, was one of those things that everyone accepted was shit because it's so shit that its shitness can't go unnoticed. But there are people who think it's really good.


But did anyone anywhere make it to the end of the first and only series of Flash Forward?

I did. It was pants, though.

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Supposedly the plan with Heroes was after the first season to ditch most of the characters and start a new storyline with a new set of characters, of course this would never actually work because of the way most people watch and process TV (all about building stars, and the 'faces' of the show). However it kinda makes sense when you think about how rapidly off the rails it went after season one. First season, whilst not amazing is pretty exciting, full of neat twists and builds fairly well to the climax. It's season two when the repeated plots, endless switching of character motivations and general sloppiness sets in - the first season is fairly tightly put together.


I did enjoy the SciFi series Alphas which debuted last year. It seemed to be an attempt to do a more down to earth Heroes. Whilst it had it's flaws by the end of the season they'd really nicely defined the characters, all the plot lines made sense and came together well. They'd also got a decent handle on how to deal with what was clearly a very low budget. I look forward to the second season. If you enjoy those sort of shows I'd recommend.

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Thanks to a liberal use of the fast-forward button and skipping some episodes entirely, I'm midway through season 4 of Heroes. I think I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown to be honest. How did this show last for so long? Season 3 - especially the latter half - seemed like it was never going to end. Around and around and around in circles with characters doing increasingly stupid things, turning heel/babyface often several times throughout the same episode and the overall plot moving at the pace of a dead snail.


Season 4 thus far isn't as horrible and it seems like something of a weight was lifted off the show's shoulders but it's still tired as hell and clearly waiting to be put out of its misery. The acting, as usual, is mostly dreadful. The guest actors usually seem to be operating on a different playing field (Zelkjo Ivanek and Robert Knepper have been fun even if their characters are poorly written - SHOCK HORROR THERE) and my problem with Greg Grunberg's stupid clown face has reached fever pitch. At one point last night I had to look away. I can't deal with him. I'm no photogenic Hollywood type but fuck me, this bumbling cunt having a career in acting is just wrong. He's a mess. A creepy, terrible mess. Who cannot, absolutely cannot act.


Why are you doing this to yourself? Mind you, you did all of Lost IIRC, so you're obviously a sucker for punishment.

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I switched the television on by accident this morning (it's a bit convoluted) and I'd have to get up to switch it off or change the channel. Now The Big Bang Theory is on. It's awful. It's not total shit like Mrs Brown's Boys but it's well below something like How I Met Your Mother, let alone the great current US sitcoms. I can't fathom its popularity, other than it's not at all challenging and geeky is a trend. What other sitcoms do people who like "TBBT" like?

Edited by King Pitcos
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The whole show seems to be built around a wanky little smart-arse character that from what I've seen has no redeeming features (Sheldon). It's perfectly aimed at fanboy-types that have similar traits, who you normally find posting shit comments on IGN about why everything sucks.

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The whole show seems to be built around a wanky little smart-arse character that from what I've seen has no redeeming features (Sheldon). It's perfectly aimed at fanboy-types that have similar traits, who you normally find posting shit comments on IGN about why everything sucks.


I'd say most of the jokes are about Sheldon displaying symptoms of aspergers syndrome, which they don't/can't acknowledge because then the rest of the characters and the show creators themselves would come across as unbelievable bastards.


It's cliche to say but I liked the Big Bang Theory in the early seasons but it's become a bit of a parody of itself now. How I Met Your Mother is the same. I'm still happy to kill half an hour watching them but I can't see either of them going on much longer.


I'm up to Season 7 of Red Dwarf now. The drop off in quality after around Season Five is really quite astounding.

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I love both TBBT and HIMYM but agree that the quality is dropping a bit on both, the Penny/Leonard on/off thing is very Friends like, something that viewers would get tired of very quickly. Thankfully with HIMYM we are getting closer to finding out just who the mother is, thanks to the revelation at the end of the last series (which gets shown here in a couple of weeks i think) so will likely only go another season or two

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Sheldon is the most unlikable character I've seen in a long time. Everyone says "oh but that's the idea!", but that's such a load of shit. If that's the idea then why do I get angry whenever he's on the screen?


Even the perfect Kaley Cuoco can't make it watchable. Fortunately (I think), the missus always has it on so I can sneak a peak at her every so often.

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