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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Will they ever allow piledrivers back into general use? Is it banned solely on the basis of Owen's botch on Austin?


I don't think there really is a high demand for it. It only ever seems to crop up on rare occasions for an injury angle, and in a way the move is more effective in that way. I think it is banned because even with trained professionals the move carries a big risk for fucking up. There is no point in bringing back to general use I feel.

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Aside from Scott Putski, was there anyone who worked for WCW during the Nitro era who either hailed from Eastern Europe, had family lineage from Eastern Europe or had an Eastern European gimmick (IE: bog-standard Soviet Iron Man gimmick)?

Pretty sure i read somewhere that Maxx Muscle was Polish.


I guess Dean Malenko was supposed to be off Russian stock too, even if he wasn't really.


Frank Andersson was from Sweden too, but he was probably gone by the time Nitro came along.

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  • Awards Moderator
What happened to Minx, the female wrestler who was a regular on the North East/North West scene, and wrestled on a few NWE shows in Europe?


Did she not join the army or something? I'm half-sure I remember hearing that.


My question: has anyone from the World Of Sport era ever been knighted?

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I think even I would object if they started giving wrestlers knighthoods. On what grounds would you do that? It would be a bit of a head scratcher when they read the honours list and they are given it because of "services to Leisure Centres".


What happened to Minx, the female wrestler who was a regular on the North East/North West scene, and wrestled on a few NWE shows in Europe?


Did she not join the army or something? I'm half-sure I remember hearing that.


My question: has anyone from the World Of Sport era ever been knighted?

She works at a Premier Inn up here now. She's expecting a kid as well, according to someone I know.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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  • Awards Moderator
I think even I would object if they started giving wrestlers knighthoods. On what grounds would you do that? It would be a bit of a head scratcher when they read the honours list and they are given it because of "services to Leisure Centres".


True. I was thinking more along the lines of 'services to broadcasting' or for charity work or something, really...

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  • Paid Members

Will they ever allow piledrivers back into general use? Is it banned solely on the basis of Owen's botch on Austin?

Not that one, the ban was brought in immediately after Triple H suffered a stinger after being Tombstoned by Undertaker at the conclusion of Judgement Day 2000. Undertaker himself began using the Last Ride as his finisher very shortly after and Kane started temporarily getting all his wins with the chokeslam instead. On occasion in the intervening years, WWE has allowed wrestlers it has complete trust in to execute a traditional piledriver (like Shawn Michaels, for instance to Cena at WrestleMania 23) or the Tombstone (Kane, and ironically both Undertaker and Hunter, even on each other).
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