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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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I find it very suspicious that this thread was allowed to drop off of the front page.


This is one of the most entertaining, nonsensical things I've read recently. Conspiracy theories about conspiracy theorists. There was supposed to be a 10-30 million participant rally to take down the governing system of the USA yesterday, which obviously only actually attracted in the hundreds, maybe. Turns out that it was a government plot, of course.

I opened that page and the first thing I saw was


This blog documents my journey back to God
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Whats the general consensus on David Icke? Im sure he must be mentioned in this thread quite a bit, but what do people really think of him?


I watched about half an hour of a show he did at the Oxford Union a few years ago which is on Netflix. I found the whole thing quite fascinating to be honest.


It was quite a lot to take in but I will try to explain what I think he said, I could have got things a bit confused -



He spent the first half an hour talking about how very few people control everything (a "World Government") and use local goverments and politicians as puppets. We live in a perfect dictatorship because we believe we are free, but in reality our everyday lives are controlled, and we carry on blissfully unaware.


This one "World government" will train an army, which it will then use the army to force other countries into submitting to its rules


Labour & the Conservatives are controlled by the same people, so it doesnt matter who we vote for, as the same decisions are made eventually regardless


The whole population will be microchipped soon - dont think he said why


In the future there will be one world currency, which is completely electronic. This means that the powers at be can basically decide if you eat or not, if they dont give you access to your money, you cant buy anything.



Some of his points sounded whacky, but it wouldnt surprise me if some of the things he said were true (or partly true)


I just wondered if people here thought he was a mental conspiracy theorist, or mis understood martyr?



I should also point out that at the start of this programme there was an interview with someone at the show who said "he lost the crowd a bit when he talked about the world being a hologram", so I think the talk must get a lot whackier

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  • Paid Members
Whats the general consensus on David Icke? Im sure he must be mentioned in this thread quite a bit, but what do people really think of him?


I watched about half an hour of a show he did at the Oxford Union a few years ago which is on Netflix. I found the whole thing quite fascinating to be honest.



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  • Paid Members
Whats the general consensus on David Icke? Im sure he must be mentioned in this thread quite a bit, but what do people really think of him?


He sells an awful lot of tickets. Mission accomplished

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Whats the general consensus on David Icke? Im sure he must be mentioned in this thread quite a bit, but what do people really think of him?


I watched about half an hour of a show he did at the Oxford Union a few years ago which is on Netflix. I found the whole thing quite fascinating to be honest.




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Whats the general consensus on David Icke?


The consensus is that he is a man who suffers from mental health issues, probably paranoid schizophrenia, after a mental breakdown in the 80s. He exhibits a number of the symptoms particularly paranoid delusions:


"a delusion is a belief that is held strong even when evidence shows otherwise".


However, he's also clearly a very intelligent chap. He reminds me in many ways of John Forbes Nash, the mathematician who's life was the basis for the film "A Beautiful Mind" except in Icke's case he's never accepted his condition and therefore learned to cope with it.


We all know the internet normalises unusual behaviour by allowing people to communalise in artificially concentrated numbers that wouldn't be feasible in normal life - well, Icke is the best example I think of this phenomenon. His previous fame alongside his early presence as a conspiracy theorist on the internet has propelled him to become the iconic figure of a worldwide movement of delusional schizophrenics and other easily influenced minds. Where in the past his illness by its very nature would have isolated him from society, via the internet it's become a social expression in its own right.


Personally, he lost me right at the start when he claimed to be the son of God. I know for a fact he's not...


Now, I'm not saying I am Jesus

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However, he's also clearly a very intelligent chap.

Icke peddles some of the flimsiest quantumbabble/psychobollocks you can hear anywhere, and he's incapable of expressing himself with any kind of brevity - his books run for hundreds of thousands of words and his lectures can last more than 10 hours. He's forever regurgitating the same clumsy metaphors about biological computers and radio frequencies and the artwork for his books is cringeworthy beyond parody, and I don't even mean that picture of his dick on the cover of I am me I am Free.


The guy always seems pretty dim to me, probable mental health issues notwithstanding. If Network was remade with Alan Partridge in place of Peter Finch, Icke would run Steve Coogan close for the male lead.

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Yeah, he's absolutely not intelligent at all. He peddles shit to idiots, which he believes, and hasn't even managed to make himself a decent living out of it, before anyone uses "made him rich tho" as a reason he's not a dumb-dumb. The only thing that separates him from the sunglasses-indoors conspiracy vloggers on Youtube is he happened to get there first, by lucky virtue of appearing on a hugely watched chat show while in the beginnings of untreated paranoid schizophrenia. His shows run so long because they use every fucking loose idea he picks up along the way, because he believes ANYTHING, so long as it goes against the sheeple norm.

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If I had a choice between an hour in a room with him or Alex Jones though, I'd probably tolerate an hour with Icke.


Yeah, I think I'd rather kill myself than spend an hour with Jones. I saw someone in an Infowars t-shirt a few months ago - the temptation to follow them down the street, and try to look nonchalant whenever they turned around, was almost irresistible. When the guy walked past some hand-pasted Jeff Boss fliers, the lunacy was almost visible, like some sort of street-level mentalist chemtrail.

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