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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Chemtrails - One of the most easily dismissible and almost laughable theories of them all. I'm actually quite a fan of Rational Wiki's satirical take on the "phenomena".


Now, as indicated above, I don't believe in this one whatsoever, but if anyone did and saw what I did in the sky on my way to work early this morning, they'd have themselves a biohazard suit and gas mask wearing field day! As I took the same early morning stroll that I take at least 5 times every week, I gazed up to the skies and counted at least 18 distinct contrails. Some looked quite thick and "spread out" if you will, and they were distributed in the kind of criss-cross patterns that are usually shown in the "proof" photos presented by theorists. Obviously the colder weather is going to contribute to contrails being more prominent and lingering for longer. Still, so many of them hanging above the sky at one moment in time, in such a seemingly uniformed layout, was actually something to see.

Edited by Richie Freebird
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Chemtrails reminds me of the boy i work with who is just into every conspiracy going, he loves to post all the 'open your mind maaaan' shit on facebook, and claims that everyone who doesn't believe his ridiculous way of thinking is a sheep (i see it the other way around).


He likes to think Chemtrails are real and if you disagree with him he gets visibly angry, as he does about any conspriacy theory...what annoys me the most about any of it though is that he can't really back up his argument. Basically he's seen a very one-sided argument on youtube and he's sticking with it.

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I counted another 12 this morning, although they were all positioned along the same "axis", in contrast to the grid formation they took on Saturday. As I say, I don't believe in the chemtrail theory at all, and I'm not for one second suggesting there was anything sinister at work. I was merely pointing out that, for believers, the patterns in sky that day would have provided a textbook bit of "evidence" for their crack pot theories.


The ones this morning looked brilliant. The horizon was a really powerful orange, fading out into shades of pink at about 7:20am, and the contrails reflected these colours even brighter. They almost looked like trails of fire as I was walking into work this morning. Quite a picturesque sky, it was.

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I attended the Amley Mills Ghost Hunt this past Saturday night.


My wife watches lots of ghost hunting programmes on telly so I got a couple of tickets for her birthday. I'm a sceptic but I was looking forward to seeing how it went.




The Armley Mills Leeds Industrial Museum is a museum of industrial heritage located in Armley, west Leeds, West Yorkshire, England. It includes collections of textile machinery, railway equipment and heavy engineering amongst others. The Grade II* listed building housing the Armley Mills museum was once the world
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Just little hand-held gadgets you can get online:

I saw people with Electro-magnetic frequency readers, something with a laser on it which measures room temperature, and someone with (strangely enough, based on what Steve said above) what looked like a PKE meter Egon used in 'Ghostbusters'.

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And here's this years obligatory Bigfoot story that will "prove once and for all that it exists", fail to do so, and not even be referred to as an example of a credible sighting in two years time.



Edited by Nostalgia Nonce
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What was the upshot of the sighting filmed by those Russian kids that was on C4's 'Bigfoot Files'? Has that been discredited or is it still unexplained? I thought it was the best footage I've seen.


Apologies for the shitarse post, I can't link to the video at work.

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