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For those of you who have kids and live with the child’s other parent( i want a say a traditional couple with a child scenario).


How do you manage taking time for yourself ?


As in do you do a roster almost, where you are like “you take monday evening off, i’ll take tuesday off etc…


Have a little 8 month old and am struggling to find time for myself for like GYM and any hobbies. My wife is generally pretty obliging and often says “ you take a few hours for yourself” but i’d rather nap than do anything too strenuous. 

Typically i like to make a plan mentally at the start of the week as to what i am going to do but it’s al been a bit ad hoc in recent times so i’m ending up doing nothing significant. I can see myself slowly getting out of shape.


I have an elderly parent with cancer too, so like my wife gave me a day yesterday to go and stay with him but candidly i feel a bit wrecked coming back.

The less i do, the less i want to do :(

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It's rare to be honest. My husband knows I'm not a morning person (and I tend to be the one getting up with the baby in the night) so on a Sunday he will take both boys for an hour or so for me to get a little more sleep. Our boys both go to bed by 7.30ish (when things go to plan) but most of the evening is taken up with housework/cooking/preparing for tomorrow etc and a bit of TV because my brain has stopped working. 

It feels quite sad to say this but my 'me' time is when I'm at work or the few times a week I wash my hair in the shower rather than a quick 2 minute shower. I think there will be more time as the kids get older but 11 month olds are quite demanding and my two year old is doing everything he can to impersonate a teenager at the moment so he's very full on too.

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2 hours ago, Browser Brady said:

For those of you who have kids and live with the child’s other parent( i want a say a traditional couple with a child scenario).


How do you manage taking time for yourself ?


As in do you do a roster almost, where you are like “you take monday evening off, i’ll take tuesday off etc…


Have a little 8 month old and am struggling to find time for myself for like GYM and any hobbies. My wife is generally pretty obliging and often says “ you take a few hours for yourself” but i’d rather nap than do anything too strenuous. 

Typically i like to make a plan mentally at the start of the week as to what i am going to do but it’s al been a bit ad hoc in recent times so i’m ending up doing nothing significant. I can see myself slowly getting out of shape.

How's your kids sleeping? My son slept fucking terribly for the first 13 months, now at 16 months he sleeps fine from 7pm to 6am and the difference its made to my physical and mental health is unbelievable. Me and my partner now have the time and space to actually take time for ourselves. And knowing we don't have an awful night ahead of us it's easier to give eachother evenings off. My wife is out having dinner with friends at this exact moment, I'm watching AEW with a cider while my boy has been fast asleep for 3 hours and counting. Once the sleep gets sorted you start getting chunks of normality back.

I'm also well aware this could change at any moment so making sure to appreciate it.

Edited by LaGoosh
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I was lucky in the early stages as I was working on a per hour contract so when I wasn't teaching or in a meeting I could be home meaning I had loads of time to go to the gym or for myself around naps etc. 

Since he was born it's a rare treat for one of us to go out in the eve alone and even rarer as just a couple. The main thing was to make sure as much as possible that he can be happy with one of us and we are competent at all the jobs. We were also lucky that grandma has been nearby and took him all day on Thursdays so we could have some daytime to ourselves.

It's not the same as before kids but I've gotten used to it. He's at kindergarten now which has given my wife more free time, she's just working out what she wants to do with it. 

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The boy has gotten himself another award at school, this time for being a "Times Table Rockstar".

I'm not sure whether this makes times tables cooler, or diminishes the coolness of actual rockstars (even more than Nikki Sixx has done).

Considering he hates doing them, and will try everything to avoid doing them, I think he was as surprised as I was.

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14 minutes ago, Nostalgia Nonce said:

The boy has gotten himself another award at school, this time for being a "Times Table Rockstar".

I'm not sure whether this makes times tables cooler, or diminishes the coolness of actual rockstars (even more than Nikki Sixx has done).

Considering he hates doing them, and will try everything to avoid doing them, I think he was as surprised as I was.

My kids are obsessed with TTR. Mostly because they do days where they can dress up as their rockstars. But to the point where my youngest daughter wants to BE a rockstar. I'm not sure if she realises she needs to be vaguely musical and not just stand on stage doing sums..

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My youngest went to the NFL match on Sunday for free through the school.

They have suffered big time with anxiety for the last few years, is quite shy and introverted (most of the time, not with us obviously) and really finds it hard to get out of their comfort zone if it's unknown or not very familiar for them.

The tickets were shared with another school so only two of them from theirs (and not one of their very close friends) and the other lad didn't turn up, so they were initially beside themselves and didn't want to go.

Mum and I are the least pushy parents ever, but 10yo decided (on their own) to go, despite knowing no one, it being quite far and also knowing fuck all about NFL.

I am beyond proud of them. They had a great time and think they understood that it was a really unique experience to get to go to.

10yo has started football training recently and walking part of the way home on their own, or all the way with big sister, and that has massively helped, but this was a huge step.

In football, they have even asked if they could be captain.

I'll be honest I probably wouldn't want to travel 90 minutes to Wembley with a coach load of people I don't know, so fair play to them! Legend.


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  • 2 months later...

I'm not one to go too personal on here but as I'm not really doing myself any favours by keeping all this shit to myself, it might help to just type it out here.

We have 2 daughters (8 and 5) and a son (just over 2) and he's been pretty slow with the walking and the talking etc. To be honest, we half figured that as the third kid he was just so spoilt by his sisters and looked after that he almost didn't need to bother. But it got to the point where the doctors just wanted to check it wasn't any familiar things that might be causing the lack of development.

Ended up not being anything that they had on the radar but something far worse and rarer. He's been diagnosed with MPS 2 (Mucopolysaccharidosis type II?


Now I'd never heard of it. Neither had the doctor. No one I've talked to has ever heard of it either. Internet stats give it as "approximately 1 in 100,000 to 1 in 170,000 males.

What I'm really struggling with is just how open ended it all is. Not that I'd ever want him to have some deadly life threatening disease and have no hope at all. It's just that this is one of those "well this and this and this could happen or it might not" and it's basically going to be a waiting game for the rest of his and our lives.

At the most severe, he could have 10-20 years tops and potentially less. If it's not as severe he could live for far longer but might not walk or talk. Probably stop growing. Generally lack development.

So at the moment he's having weekly visits to Great Ormond Street for baseline tests (heart, brain etc) as well as weekly enzyme infusions which won't stop anything but will apparently "improve" the signs/symptoms. Those weekly infusions will have to happen forever, but can be done at home eventually.

There was a clinical trial we were hoping to get on in America but that seems to have closed so we're waiting to see if it starts again elsewhere. So no real choice but to just carry on. 

My head has been all over the place since finding out. I don't deal well with open ended things as it is, but for something this significant I'm just pretty fucked if I'm honest. And I feel selfish even writing this. I wish the clinical trial was open still as I would've moved out there in a heartbeat with him.

So yeah. Now Christmas and all the happy shit is over, it's all focused on this now. I don't know what to think or feel or anything.

Sorry for the complete babble. I'm just lost really.

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I send you all all my love and best wishes @DavidB6937

I believe that Sean Millis, the lad who recently went viral over Rasmus Hojlund (the United striker) has Hunters Syndrome. He's an inspirational young man, as I'm sure your son is too.

Perhaps you and your family can look up some clips and take some comfort in the fact that he is now in his early 20s can show what can happen. Sorry, I don't really know if that's the right thing to say.

Like I say, all my love mate. We're all here for you if you want to vent. Vent away.

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  • 2 months later...
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11yo has been off ill for the last 3 days and with me while I work from home, and the amount of absolute shit she watches on YouTube is unbelievable. 

She will quite happily sit and watch it all day, and spend an hour watching these horrific shorts, and it's starting to show in her attention span.

She is genuinely unwell so whatever makes her feel better but I heard some absolute nonsense like "Guys we're gonna be trying celebrities last meals" and angrily stormed downstairs and told her that was enough and it had to go off.

Just fucking awful. I love a bit of YouTube, and watch what I'm sure most people find crap, but 3 days of this has had me going insane. 

Smash the like button? I'LL SMASH YOUR FUCKING FACE IN MATE!!!

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I pray that you don’t ever have to suffer the Fortnite ‘Tubers because they’re the utter fucking worse. Dan D manages to say  “Bro” at the start and end of every fucking sentence. What’s worse is that I was late for work yesterday because I had to see if he managed his mythic weapon only self challenge.  Now don’t get me started on the terrible amateur actresses who perform all the parts looking in to camera on a split screen  with some generic potato peeling or calligraphy video playing on the other side. What even is that?

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Despite playing a LOT of Fortnite, she doesn't watch a lot of them streaming, or at least not at my house.

It tends to be GTA (Caylus? Preston? Unspeakable? Is that all correct?) Gorilla Tag streaming or LaurenZSide, who just plays random shit Steam games. Or as she's now mad into football, things like "I rated the world's worst footballs and boots" type stuff which just makes me die.

The worst though is that FazeRug cunt. I think he was a COD streamer, but now seemingly does awful videos on the worst shit ever (the last celebrities meal one was him I'm sure) it's not even funny content. I don't mind Mr Beast. Fine, he's probably a nobhead, but he recently did a video where he got loads of dogs donated, and Batista was in it, so I'll watch them.

With that Faze nob, it's his voice. I cannot stand it. And everything is fire, sorry *Tom DeLonge voice* fiyeeeeeeeer. God typing this is actually making me angry. Its the whiniest affected California whinge.

The only one I don't mind is the lad who travelled the US on a penny, Ryan something. At least that was fairly entertaining content.

The rest are just cunts. 

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