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The 'Currently Reading' Thread.

Guest Refuse Matt M

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I'm about half way through The Martian , (Thanks Tesco for the cheap books). 


its a very light read, and easy to blast through. It does make me want to see the Movie (as I haven't done so yet) to possibly have the story expanded upon a little bit, but otherwise its great :)

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Currently reading "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell" by Susanna Clarke. Really enjoyng it so far - a story of magicians in the Napoleonic/Regency era. Written as a pastiche of the style of the historical account novel of the time, and typeset the same way to give it that authentic feel, so lots of fanciful notions interspersed with dry, matter-of-fact descriptions, and plenty of extensive footnotes and references to books with very old-style titles.


Definitely worth reading - the story is well-paced, lots of development both in terms of character and plot, and the style is consummately written in capturing the style.

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Um. I wouldn't hold your breath on that one.. films don't usually expand on books, they usually condense them (unless they're made by Peter Jackson).


Ha yes, i mean more in the sense of certain actions being acted out, as the book is a lot of "So I did this, then I did that" which is fine, that's like 1 line for sometimes fairly large actions that could be described a bit better.

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Read Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell last year, Carbomb, and absolutely loved it. One of the best books I've read in years. Superbly written, the perfect style for the subject, and I'm a sucker for an alternate history novel anyway, so it shot right up near the top of my (hypothetical) favourite books list.

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The Martian is an excellent adaptation of the book, imo. 


I'm glad you enjoyed Ender's Game, Chest! Don't research the author though, he's not a pleasant chap!


I'd also recommend the Expanse series of books, starting with Leviathan Wakes by James S. A. Corey. I may have already recommended them, to be fair. 

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Jonathan Strange is a great book, but boy is it long. Took a few more dumps than usual to get through that bad boy.


I really didn't like The Martian. I accept I'm in the minority but I just wanted something a bit darker with lashings of existential angst. I will give the film a go eventually. Matt Damon is perfect for the main character.

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The Martian is an excellent adaptation of the book, imo.


I'm glad you enjoyed Ender's Game, Chest! Don't research the author though, he's not a pleasant chap!


I'd also recommend the Expanse series of books, starting with Leviathan Wakes by James S. A. Corey. I may have already recommended them, to be fair.

I started reading The Expanse series after getting half way through the SyFy TV version I figured that since I was enjoying the TV show, the books would be better for me in terms of detail etc. I was right. Just finished the second book.


I didn't finish The Martian. Got about halfway. Enjoyed the film though.

Edited by SpursRiot2012
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I'm glad you enjoyed Ender's Game, Chest! Don't research the author though, he's not a pleasant chap!



Ha! Funny you should say that. I was telling my friend to read this because I thought it would be up his street and he said he had already read it, and then proceeded to tell me the author was a total nutcase.

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I am reading ...


Hard Times by Charles Dickens 


Wonderfully written, I can really see how he has become such an influence over the past few hundred years. His ability to create characters that actually have depth along with the satirical political commentaries is astounding. 


I recently read Darkness Visible by William Golding which, despite being a great author, was a struggle to get through. 

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