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Im wondering if any of you fine UKFF folk could recommend some conspiracy theory/unexplained mystery type DVD's for me? I'm looking as part of a christmas present for somebody else, problem is looking on the usual (Amazon, e-bay etc), none really stand out and look quite cheap. I think the person in question would be more interested in the UFO aspect, maybe going towards mysteries of ancient civilisations. Oh and it has to be DVD as I don't believe the person in question has access to Blu-Ray.

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I've been looking into getting tickets for the Euros.. I know its into the second stage of tickets ballot now so i'm not holding my breath but does anyone know a way of getting them without having to join that rip off England Travel Club... £70 seems a bit steep for a club which doesn't even guarantee tickets. I didn't know if you could get package deals etc. Also does anyone have any experience of going to a major tournament? 

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My Norton anti-virus expires tomorrow and they have been badgering me to renew my subscription for weeks. Last year I waited until they tempted me with a special offer but this year they haven't done that and want fifty quid out of me for a year's worth of e-johnnies. They can get to fuck if they think I'm paying that much, so what do you lot use? I know there are plenty of free products out there, but are they any good compared to Norton? I don't mind paying a bit if it's going to do a good job for me. If I let Norton expire, will they relent and offer me a knock-down price?

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Does anyone know where I might be able to find a frame (as in a picture frame) that's deep enough to put a 3D object inside? Like a box with a glass front you mount on the wall. It needs to be about big enough to fit a fist sized object in it. I thought they'd be a piece of piss to find but I'm finding it impossible.

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Anyone ever lived in/been to Sweden? I'm thinking about studying abroad next year, and one of the options my uni offer is in Linköping. I've always liked the idea of Scandinavia, but I know it would be even colder and more expensive than here, plus I imagine the language would be harder to learn than German (the other option is Stuttgart).

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A friend of mine moved there a few years ago, he likes it. Also that thing about almost everyone being able to speak English, that's true apparently, so language wise you're ok. But you're right about the money, it's expensive, but then they have a functioning socialist government, so fuck you David Cameron.

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