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Is there a poker thread on here?

Recently started playing online for the first time, just practicing with demo money. Entered my first real money tourney (40-seater) and finished 7th which I was pleased with as the top 8 places paid. Could've scraped 6th place but went all-in on a relatively weak hand. Any good poker websites, videos, podcasts, or books worth checking out?

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Is there a poker thread on here?


Recently started playing online for the first time, just practicing with demo money. Entered my first real money tourney (40-seater) and finished 7th which I was pleased with as the top 8 places paid. Could've scraped 6th place but went all-in on a relatively weak hand. Any good poker websites, videos, podcasts, or books worth checking out?

Not sure about a thread. Congratulations on the finish, awesome work!


For Multi-Table Tournaments (MTTs) there are loads of books and websites, go check out the twoplustwo forums, they have a massive section devoted to MTTs and Multi Table SitNGo's (which is what you played by the sound of it). A lot of the best players in the world post on there, I will warn you now that lots of posters are wankers. Poker tends to bring out the worst in a lot of people, those who 'run bad' and just act like bitter shits half the time.


There's no real need for books, but if you do want to check one out then go for Harrington on Hold'em. Whilst a lot of the ideas of strategy have moved on (and tend to even after short periods) the fundamentals of how to play are great.


Multi-Table SitNGo's are all but solved these days, the maths part of it is, and that's what those kinds really are. Which takes the fun out of them sometimes. As playing by the maths whilst playing a high volume of them really lowers the variance. Though that's not fun, and definitely not what you want to be doing.


You can check out runitonce.com which is a training site, pretty sure there's free bits there. If you play more it's worth the basic membership, only like a tenner a month or something. It's run by some of the best pros around, a guy I used to play with does videos for them (Craig McCorkell - really great player).


I used to play a lot, but haven't played a live tournament for a few months now. And the only online tournament this year I played was the $9million guarantee Sunday Millions, if I have time I will play some SCOOPs coming up. The problem is that it can take forever. That's why I recommend sticking with Multi Table SitNGo's instead of regular tournaments. Jump into the 45s and 180s to start with, they can be pretty fun.


I do recommend staying away from cash tables, it will be like throwing away money if you play on them. Please don't take that as me saying you're not good enough, that's not the reason and you probably are, it's just that between the rake and likelyhood of you playing one table (I'm guessing) means there really isn't any point. Plus cash and tournaments/SitNGo's are so different that you don't really want to be taking the same game plan into both. So really not that worth it.


Anything else just ask, if you start a poker thread I will contribute in there. Oh I also recommend checking out Jason Somerville's twitch stream (his name is jcarverpoker on there), he is streaming for 70 days straight (nearly half way through I think) and every day from about 5pm he streams for a few hours. Playing MTTs and SitNGo's mainly. Some days are for newer players where he goes over maths and the basics. Some of his decisions may make you think it's wrong, but for a lot of players they are ruled by maths, I like that maths element but I don't always adhere to it. It's more of an online thing where like I said it lowers variance of high volume, where as live poker you only play one table at a time.


And thus concludes a super boring post for most people!

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Thank you, I wasn't expecting a reply like that so quickly! Really grateful. I'll check some of those sites out - Googling anything to do with poker brings up a minefield.


I know what you mean about poker players and their egos. The only place I've looked online was the Reddit poker forum and it's full of them!


I really enjoyed doing that tournament. It's not the money side of it I'm particularly bothered about (I only won a few quid) but if I can make it a hobby that pays for itself (or thereabouts) then I'll consider myself lucky. Which brings me onto this...


I do recommend staying away from cash tables, it will be like throwing away money if you play on them. Please don't take that as me saying you're not good enough, that's not the reason and you probably are, it's just that between the rake and likelyhood of you playing one table (I'm guessing) means there really isn't any point. Plus cash and tournaments/SitNGo's are so different that you don't really want to be taking the same game plan into both. So really not that worth it.


I know exactly where you're coming from mate. It's just throwing good money after bad isn't it. I've seen people I know do this and it doesn't interest me in the slightest.


I'm not sure if I make a poker thread there's much I can add yet but if you or somebody else does then I'll definitely join in!


Cheers again Ron. 

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No worries, I will make one a bit later tonight in case anyone wants it. Don't worry I will cover egos and how dickish poker can make you. I'm about as laid back as you can get and even I have had outbursts. So idiotic and I cringe when I think about how people act.

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I am trying to buy tickets to an event via gumtree but this person has purchased them themselves via stub hub and has e-tickets. 


As I have no idea of Stubhub and how easy it is to copy tickets should I go ahead and take the chance or is this recipe for disaster? 

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I am trying to buy tickets to an event via gumtree but this person has purchased them themselves via stub hub and has e-tickets.


As I have no idea of Stubhub and how easy it is to copy tickets should I go ahead and take the chance or is this recipe for disaster?

My experience of e-tickets is that you will receive an email which contains a PDF attachment which is the ticket that you would need to print off as the venue wherever your event is need to scan the barcode, which is unique to that attachment. If the seller has bought them then you need that email forwarding to you with the attachment

I've never used GumTree before, but does it have a feedback system similar to ebay? If so, can you check the seller's feedback score?. And arn't stub hub one of the big legal tour sites? You'll be paying a massive markup if the event is a sellout.


If it was me, I'd skip buying from them and try one of the reputable ticket outlets if the event isn't sold out

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I am trying to buy tickets to an event via gumtree but this person has purchased them themselves via stub hub and has e-tickets.


As I have no idea of Stubhub and how easy it is to copy tickets should I go ahead and take the chance or is this recipe for disaster?

My experience of e-tickets is that you will receive an email which contains a PDF attachment which is the ticket that you would need to print off as the venue wherever your event is need to scan the barcode, which is unique to that attachment. If the seller has bought them then you need that email forwarding to you with the attachment

I've never used GumTree before, but does it have a feedback system similar to ebay? If so, can you check the seller's feedback score?. And arn't stub hub one of the big legal tour sites? You'll be paying a massive markup if the event is a sellout.


If it was me, I'd skip buying from them and try one of the reputable ticket outlets if the event isn't sold out



Yeah Stubhub are one of the more reliable outlets to buy tickets (albeit at a high price) but having not used them before I wasn't sure whether someone could print tickets or photocopy tickets (barcode) and whether I could easily be conned as the last thing you want to do is go to an event and look stupid when you try to get in. 


As for Gumtree its pretty much an online listing where you can reply to the seller but isn't like E-Bay or anything where you can leave reviews on people, its pretty much an online newspaper ad in the sense of you take the chance on a purchase, the seller I was looking at did have a phone number but decided not to purchase in the end as couldn't be too sure whether its genuine or not and didn't want the worry between now and the event.


Gumtree though is an old fashioned listing website and basic in what it does (without silly added on fee's or middle men) so you can get fairly good things on there if you find the honest person, have used it before selling and buying things but always that chance when buying tickets you could be bent over backwards.

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