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Condiments, Sauces, and Storage

Lorne Malvo

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3 minutes ago, King Coconut said:

Is it the right point in the conversation to mention cheesecake?

I've flirted with cheesecake before, mainly when I lived in New York. I wouldn't choose to eat it regularly, but maybe as close as i've got to thinking a dessert was alright. It has to be that New York style with none of the weird goo's and sauces and shite people put on desserts.

Even then, i'd rather something savoury. 

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1 hour ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Sounds like a pun on 'dessert'

Nope, was a pun on "desert". 


I love both desserts and cheeseboards, so for me it comes down to what sort of meal I've had, and what it's put me in the mood for. If it's one of those big fancy meals, like a wedding menu, then I'll probably have both. (Coincidentally, my little sister doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, and has said that if she ever decides to get married she's having tiered wheels of cheese instead of wedding cake, which is fair enough, really.)

Anyway, back to piling on to Sahara Daz.

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11 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

 has to be that New York style with none of the weird goo's and sauces and shite people put on desserts.

Even then, i'd rather something savoury. 

This tracks, as baked new York style is definitely the worst kind of cheesecake by far, and pretty flavourless.

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1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:

Cheese as a dessert is perfectly acceptable. It's cheese. It's acceptable at any time and under any guise.


Cheese is fantastic, I'll happily have it as a palate cleanse between main meals and dessert. In itself however, it is not a dessert, it's a filling for a sandwich for heavens sake. 


Also @d-d-d-dAzyour description of dessert does sound like something a child would eat, I'm assuming you have an immature circle of people around you if they eat things like that? And pour a shit load of sauce on everything they eat. I suggest spending a little time eating with actual adults and you may find this not an all or nothing approach.

Edited by deathrey
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19 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

My favourite dessert is a beef roast dinner. 

If you can class cheese as a dessert, then anything goes. 

I like a sausage starter for the car ride home, fish and chips main and the kids left overs for pudding. Sometimes I’ll get a black pudding pork pie as a side.

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20 minutes ago, deathrey said:

Also @d-d-d-dAzyour description of dessert does sound like something a child would eat, I'm assuming you have an immature circle of people around you if they eat things like that? And pour a shit load of sauce on everything they eat. I suggest spending a little time eating with actual adults and you may find this not an all or nothing approach.

Jesus Christ, I thought we were having a laugh.

Nevermind. I'll leave you to it.

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At the risk of being beaten in the streets, I was also sauce-averse until I got married. My wife is obsessed with suaces, so over the time she's gotten me into them too. Sweet Baby Ray's barbecue sauce is now my go-to for any meal that allows it, and I'll eat a ketchup, mayo or burger sauce if it's on food while I'm out.

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26 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

I'm gonna go a bit Daz here and say that BBQ sauce, and any iteration of it, is absolutely vile. 

I’m still on the fence about BBQ Pizzas where they replace the marinara sauce with BBQ sauce. Sometimes they hit the spot and other times I’m begging for a regular pizza.

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24 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

I'm gonna go a bit Daz here and say that BBQ sauce, and any iteration of it, is absolutely vile. 

That’s like saying all ketchup is the same. BBQ sauce is generally ok, but you can get some seriously decent bbq sauces, especially in the states. Dinosaur BBQ’s house sauce I remember being great.

Although the best dip for me was TGI’s Jack Daniel’s sauce. I learnt to make a decent copy of it at home. Proper time consuming but delicious.

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