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Mr McMahon Netflix doc Thread

Hannibal Scorch

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It doesn't get much better after the first 3 episodes. Somehow they managed to find almost no dissenting voices about McMahon from the industry itself to interview, which is an incredible achievement when you think about it. Even Bret went quite easy on him.

A total waste of time. So a Netflix documentary then.

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1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

It doesn't get much better after the first 3 episodes. Somehow they managed to find almost no dissenting voices about McMahon from the industry itself to interview, which is an incredible achievement when you think about it. Even Bret went quite easy on him.

The clips they showed went easy on him. We're not seeing 80% of what was shot/said. 

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Agree with most of what is being said about this. A major missed opportunity. It will probably take some actual true crime folks to forensically go through all the facts and talk to the right people if we want to get a proper look at Vince McMahon. 

Also, while many of the talking heads don't cover themselves in glory, I will say that Paul Heyman was particularly infuriating to watch in this. 

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2 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

Well everyone has "hate watched" it so well done Netflix.

I watched it on Stremio!

But yeah, middle of the road shite. When you see Tony Atlas, Hogan and that twat Bruce Prichard waffling on 2 mins in, its fairly obvious not much new ground is going to be broken.

Best bit is the very start when weird auld Vince (whose face now resembles Pete Burns) is telling the camera that you're not going to get much truth from him or learn much you didn't already know. I was hoping they'd dig into his childhood at least a wee bit, not 1 min about how he didn't meet his real Da til he was 12 and then onto explaining the territory system.

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38 minutes ago, DCW said:

I was hoping they'd dig into his childhood at least a wee bit, not 1 min about how he didn't meet his real Da til he was 12 and then onto explaining the territory system.

Equally I found it bizarre that they didn't (unless I missed it) reference his split from Linda.  They dedicated a decent amount of time to how central she was in Vince's life and then not a mention of her when all the accusations came out.  I think it's widely accepted that they'd been living separate lives for years at that point, which feels like a pretty major talking point in a documentary about his life (even without the accusations).

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About a 1/4 of the way through the second episode and this is already incredibly pointless. We're obviously not the intended audience, but even then - there's not exactly an awful lot of Vince focus. I imagined at least some attempt at following him around with a camera in his daily goings on, even if it was still spouting the same nonsense as in the sit down.

So far it's like something he'd have made himself. 

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I am 3 episodes and like many, up to now I feel like it is a missed opportunity.

I am also struggling to understand who the series is actually for:


The first 3 episodes have focused more on the wrestling side (with the exception of the last few minutes which mentioned the steroids and the first sexual allegations), which I think will be too heavy for the non wrestling fan who just want to watch it for the scandals and likewise. For the wrestling fan it is just like any other WWE documentary, which show the usual highlights one would expect.

As for the talking heads, the only one (at present after 3 episodes) who seems to be critical of McMahon is Tony Atlas, the rest just make their usual comments. 

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I felt like they were getting their excuses in early with this. Starting with everyone saying "Well, nobody knows the real Vince!" or "He lets you know what he wants you to know!"

The documentarians' way of saying that you're not going to learn fuck all from this, actually - but here's 5 and three-quarter hours of stuff that wrestling fans already know, stuff that people who aren't wrestling fans don't know or care about, and 15 minutes at the end about Janel Grant that nobody associated with wrestling appeared to want to talk about or even address. Netflix documentaries are the fucking shits.

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Just watched it and enjoyed it as a potted history of WWE with a different style than an in-house WWE documentary (which would’ve given at least five minutes to calling DX invading WCW the greatest thing ever). Bret Hart was on top Bret Hart form - as great a display of bitter egomania as he’s ever put forth. And somehow, he had less screen time than Tony Atlas, who managed to be all over the fucking thing for no reason 😂

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Managed to get the first episode watched with Mrs Scorch (hates wrestling) and she definitely got more out of it then I did as she knows little about wrestling other than what I have got her to watch (bits and pieces, The Wrestler, The Iron Claw and funnily enough Wrestling with Shadows). She thought it was alright, probably enough to get her to watch the rest but I know I’m going to be doing a lot of gap filling and corrections.

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To avoid being pissed off, I went in with the mind set that it's a Netflix documentary designed for the masses and not aimed at a typical knowledgeable wrestling fan. 

Only two episodes in but I've enjoyed the historical elements of it and the visuals (much of the footage I've never seen before). Interesting and emotional to learn about Vince's relationship with his father. 

I also feel it's represented the facts well and not done any revisionist WWE re-writing of historical events shit. It hasn't shied away from any controversies so far either - John Stossel, rape allegations, ring boy scandal etc have all been addressed.

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