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The Big Green*

Listen, when the film has a poster like this, you know its going to be great.


The lovely Olivia d'Abo (Betty Jo aka female Garth in Wayne's World 2 fact fans) moves from Surrey to Elma, Texas and introduces the kids to football.

They have ONE practice and she signs them up to a league ffs. They play these absolute little pricks called The Knights coached by some massive nob who carries around a sword?

Anyway they lose 18-0, the twats celebrate every goal, some shithead scores a diving header (fuck off Keith) and they should all be embarrassed they only won by 18 against a team that have never ever played football before. Little twats. I truly despised them.

Oh, I forgot, Steve Guttenburg is the town's sheriff and he's involved in the coaching. Peak 90s. He's obviously trying to get off with the teacher and is punching so far above his weight its unreal. (He does get to kiss her and she looks less than thrilled)

Anyway, they get better and rope in new lad Juan (bussed in from Liga MX) who turns out to be shithot, and its all building up to the rematch with those fucking worms The Knights. 

The Big Green rock up to the final in these. 


Lads, I popped big time. 1990 Cameroon shirts? PHWOOOOOOAAAAR.

SPOILER: Down 2-0, they mount a comeback with a pure Angeball goal and then Juan channels 1986 Diego and slaloms through the whole team sending us to pens. But annoyingly normal pens, not 90s MLS pens. 

Anyway, Ham from The Sandlot saves a decent pen and well I won't spoil it, but FUCK OFF KNIGHTS. ?Guttenburg as manager, you'll never sing that?

Top drawer shit. I assume this was made off the back of USA 94 to capitalise, and it's a fun watch if a bit long.

I'm off to look for one of those shirts.


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That Sandler basketball film on Netflix wasn’t too bad. It’s no classic but it doesn’t have funny wigs and Rob Schneider so it’s halfway to decent Sandler. Not as good as the cast and cameos merit though and behind Happy Gilmore on the pantheon of great Sandler sports films. 

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Cool Runnings is an absolute classic.

Bend it like Beckham is the only other sports film I can think of that has really hung in my memory, excellent film though I haven't watched it in years so not sure if it holds up the test of time.

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I used to love Dodgeball. If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball. Except the Lance Armstrong scene has aged terribly, obviously.

I quite liked The Way Back with Ben Affleck a few years back. As generic as they come but Affleck elevates it.

I, Tonya was really good.

And another shout for Skate Kitchen. Cracking film.

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Just now, deathrey said:

Bend it like Beckham is the only other sports film I can think of that has really hung in my memory, excellent film though I haven't watched it in years so not sure if it holds up the test of time.

My 10yo is now football obsessed so going to watch that with her soon.

As someone that grew up in Hounslow, obviously the film will always have a place in my heart :)

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Oof. I couldn't get through I, Tonya. Was way too bleak for me. Maybe it just wasn't what I was expecting going in but I'm not really sure what I was expecting..

Any Given Sunday I always loved, but haven't seen it in years.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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The Wrestler is a great film. My wife hates wrestling and has watched it multiple times. I’m another I, Tonya fan. I thought it was pretty funny. A League Of Their Own was a firm favourite growing up as well. 

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Absolutely no respect for the Hanson brothers in this thread. You guys are a fucking disgrace.


Edited by Devon Malcolm
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The First Slam Dunk is a 2+ hour anime about basketball I saw at the cinema a couple of months ago and it's one of the better classic sports films I've seen, I reccomend it unless you're a cartoonphobe or hate basketball.

I really liked Stephen Dorff's MMA film Embattled from a couple of years ago.

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